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Study On Control System Of Automatic Palletizing Robot For Trucks Based On CODESYS

Posted on:2018-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330518497342Subject:Mechanical and electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of science and technology, the concept of automated production is deeply rooted in the hearts of people, and it is becoming more and more important to the enterprise. Industrial robots as unique equipment and instruments in advanced manufacturing industry, have become an important symbol to evaluate the level of manufacturing and technology of a country. The design of a stable and reliable automatic palletizing robot for trucks to achieve the enterprise products from the production line to the automatic loading of the integrated operation is of great significance. Based on the actual project "Automatic palletizing robot for trucks of bagged materials ",to satisfy the design requirements of enterprise,a robot control system based on CODES YS and real-time Ethernet technology is designed.Firstly, the present situation of the domestic and international development of the automatic palletizing robot for trucks and the current research status of the robot control system are analyzed. Combined with the current research situation, a software motion controller as the core of the control system, which is based on CODES YS is proposed.Combined with the design requirements of the enterprise, the mechanical structure of the automatic palletizing robot for trucks is determined,and some parameters of the mechanical structure are summarized for controlling. Industrial PC is selected as the core of robot’s control system and the EtherMAC real-time Ethernet bus, RTEX gateway control card and I/O communication interface board as the peripherals,which has a strong scalability,accurately synchronization,more stable reliability. According to the actual working requirements of the robot, the hardware of the control system is selected, and the software structure of the control system is determined. From the application environment of the control system, the disturbance sources of the system and it’s effective methods is put forward.Automatic loading robot need to satisfy the requirements of high-speed and heavy-duty work, according to the functional requirements of the control system and the mechanical structure, the trajectory of the automatic palletizing robot for trucks is planned,which is used to avoid the collision of the robot during the movement due to the unreasonable track planning, and to ensure that the robot can work efficiently and steadily.The software control system of automatic palletizing robot for trucks is programmed by the modular and bus-based programming idea, and is divided into several modules through the top-down layer. The robot is now working in the company through the actual application test, some problems are fixed. Different parameter is verified to prove the feasibility and efficiency of the control system.This system achieved the criterion of enterprise automation, and which is of great significance to promote the domestic logistics automation industry upgrade.
Keywords/Search Tags:Automatic palletizing robot for trucks, CODESYS, EtherMAC bus, Real-time Ethernet, Extensibility
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