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Design And Implementation Of Omni Directional Mobile AGV Motion Control System

Posted on:2018-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330533969863Subject:Control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the scale of the logistics industry continues to increase and the site is limited,the internal warehouse becomes bloated.Therefore,an automatic guided vehicle with higher flexibility and more degrees of freedom is needed.Mecanum wheel is a kind of special wheel structure and through the combination of Mecanum wheels,the mobile platform can move in all directions on the plane.The omni-directional mobile AGV designed by Mecanum wheel instead of the ordinary wheel has three degrees of freedom on the plane,the characters of its movement without dead ends and rotation in situ and so on make it free to shuttle in a small space.Therefore,the research of omnidirectional mobile AGV based on Mecanum wheel will be in line with the current demand,and has broad market prospects.Firstly,this paper elaborates the purpose and significance of the research and studies the present situation and application situation of the omni-directional mobile platform based on Mecanum wheels,and then determines its main contents.Secondly,by studying the omni-directional motion mechanism of omni-directional mobile AGV,kinematics and dynamics models of the four-wheel omni-directional mobile AGV based on Mecanum wheel are established,the relation between the movement direction of AGV and the force of Mecanum wheel is pointed out and ten control methods of omni-directional mobile AGV are given.Referring to the mathematical model of the DC servo motor,an electromechanical integrated motion control model of omnidirectional mobile AGV is established,which lays the foundation for the research of AGV motion control in the next chapter.Thirdly,the speed controller and the position and attitude controller based on PID control algorithm are designed,and its effectiveness and feasibility are verified by MATLAB/Simulink simulation.According to the bang-bang optimal control principle,the optimal path planning of two position points based on bang-bang control is analyzed and the optimal path of omni-directional mobile AGV is given with the invariable attitude.Finally,according to the function design of omni-directional mobile AGV,the suitable actuators,sensors and other devices are selected and the embedded master control system of AGV is designed,then the platform of experimental prototype is built.The speed,attitude and position tracking experiments are carried out on the experimental prototype.The experiments show that the omni-directional mobile AGV designed in this paper meets the design specifications of the prototype and has better path tracking ability and robustness.
Keywords/Search Tags:omni-directional mobile AGV, Mecanum wheel, kinematics, PID control, path planning
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