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Structural Optimization And Motion Control Design For Redundant Robots Used In Single-port Minimally Invasive Surgery

Posted on:2018-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S P HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330536488789Subject:(degree of mechanical engineering)
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Minimally invasive surgical robot,because of it’s higher accuracy and higher security than the doctor,is paid atttention by more and more Doctors and patients.Minimally invasive surgery is rapidly reforming the traditional surgical treatment,so the development of minimally invasive surgical robot is one of the most popular direction of the new generation of medical equipment at present.The representative snake robot,because of its high redundancy,high dexterity and high flexibility,is used to develop a new generation of minimally invasive surgical instruments by academic community.In this paper,a combination of bionics and robotics is used to develop a multi-joint minimally invasive surgery snake-like radiotherapy robot,which is used for the treatment of tumor through natural cavity or single channel.In order to further realize the clinical trial of snake like robot,it is necessary to carry out a more detailed study of the snake robot.The main contents in this paper are:(1)the paper analyzes the present situation of minimally invasive surgical instruments and new snake-like institutions at home and abroad,and then we determine the necessity of developing snake-like radiotherapy robots.(2)the paper analyzes skeletal characteristics of the biological snake and defects of the current snake-like mechanism,and then a modular,multi joint and single channel snake robot is designed,which is driven by the drive module and the joint steering module.To achieve targeted radiotherapy,the snake head is equipped with carbon nanotubes X ray source.(3)the controller,driver and motor of the major brands are analyzed,and the NIcontroller and the NI module are selected as the hardware driver.The closed-loop control of snake-like robot based on classical PID algorithm is designed.The NI Labview and NI related modules are set up as the snake Robot hardware and software system;(4)in this paper the kinematics analysis of the serpentine robot is carried out,especially a simulation experiment is carried out to solve the geometric algorithm of the inverse kinematics of the serpentine robot.It is proved that the geometric algorithm is sufficient to satisfy the fixed point control accuracy of the snake-like robot.(5)The remote control of the robot is simulated and the fuzzy PD algorithm is used to improve the follow-up precision of the main manipulator and the manipulator.we carry out the semi-physical simulation experiment with double Phantom and the experimental results are analyzed.It provides the experimental basis for the control of the serpentine robot by Phantom;(6)Based on the hardware and software control system,the Labview interface of the host computer is written,and the coordination control of the multi-degree snake-like robot and the testing of performance index are completed.The experiment reveals the spatial repeatability of the snake-like robot and motion space are in line with the requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:minimally invasive surgery, snake robot, control system, forward and inverse kinematics, semi physical simulation
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