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Research Of Modeling Of Snake-like Robot Based On Screw Theory

Posted on:2018-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330536978233Subject:Control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Snake-like robot is a kind of wide-ranging bionic robot,which has broad development foreground and great research value.But its high redundancy and complex structure make it diffcult to research.The purpose of this paper is to study the modeling of snake-like robot by screw theory,and to establish a mathematical model,which will lay a foundation for the further research of snake-like robot.Firstly,this paper introduces the snake-like robot studied,including joint connection mode,module structure,servo selection,power supply system,control system and so on.The design and structural characteristics of the snake-like robot studied in this paper are described,which provides the research object for the following theoretical modeling research.Then,the screw theory is introduced into the kinematics analysis of the quadrature joint snake-like robot.Based on the characteristics of the snake-like robot,the basic coordinate system and the tool coordinate system are established and the POE equation of the snake-like robot is established.Based on the conclusions,the relationship between spin theory and D-H method is analyzed and the inverse solution of snake-like robot is obtained by genetic simulated annealing algorithm.Then,based on previous work,this paper uses screw theory to analysis the speed and acceleration of snake-like robot,getting Jacobian matrix and Hessian matrix of snake-like robot.Afer that,ADAMS and MATLAB are used to verify The correctness of the model.Next,in order to further study the kinematic characteristics of the robot,this paper,combining the screw screw theory and Kane’s equation,defines the active force wrench,inertial force wrench,partial velocity twist,generalized active force and the generalized inertia force,and establishes the Kane’s equation for snake-like robot.Next,This paper also briefly introduces the method to generate the gait based on the control function and carry out the dynamic simulation of the motion of the snake-like robot under ADAMS.The torque analysis is carried out on representative joints in several common gaits,which provides the basis for engineering improvement of robots.Finally,the motion experiment of the snake-like robot is carried out by using the actual prototype and the influence of each parameter of the control function on the motion of the snake-like robot is analyzed when running in different gait.At the same time,the same model is established under ADAMS to simulate the movement.The actual motion and simulation movement are compared to verify the correctness and validity of the design of the snake-like robot.
Keywords/Search Tags:Snake-like robot, Screw theory, Kinematics, Dynamics, Kane’s equation
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