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Research On Spraying Trajectory Planning And Simulation Of Industrial Robot Based On Free Form Surface

Posted on:2018-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542470193Subject:(degree of mechanical engineering)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,more and more products composed by muti-free-form surfaces have been manufactured.The traditional manual spraying methods for those products have been unable to satisfy the improving spraying quality standard.At the same time,with the widely application of spraying robot in the field of intelligent manufacturing,off-line programming and simulation technology with good security and adaptability has attracted extensive attention in the spraying industry.Based on robot off-line programming technology,the spraying quality of workpiece surface can be improved greatly.However,the existing spray path planning strategy is mainly applied to the workpiece with sample surface.The robot spraying trajectory planning system can solve the problem of spraying workpiece with complex surfaces.For a complex workpiece,the spraying effect is poor with the existing method.For the problem of spraying path planning with complex surface,the paper present a spraying path planning method based on minimum thickness constraint.The following related contents are studied.(1)Spraying accumulative model.The spraying accumulative model of spray gun is the base of trajectory planning.Firstly plane spraying cumulative model was established,then through the projection method,the cumulative model for free form surface was established.After the spraying cumulative model known,the method of computation the accumulated spraying thickness on the free from surface was researched.(2)Free form surfaces modeling.After the parametric surfaces were stitched,the whole spraying surface was meshed.This can avoid slice the complex surfaces into parts.At the same time,the triangular mesh data were encapsulated with half edge data structure to speed up the processing of the triangular mesh surface data.(3)Spraying trajectory planning algorithm designing.Considered in the spray gun flow rate,spray speed and spray gun height,the spray trajectory planning algorithm is proposed based on the minimum thickness constraint.The algorithm can be applied to complex artifacts composed of multiple free surfaces.At the same time,the cumulativethickness of the sprayed area is calculated from the planned trajectory.(4)The actual robot spraying workstation was constructed in RobMan,an independent robot off-line programming and simulation software.Then a method of coordinating the movement between the robot and the external axis is proposed.Finally,the spray trajectory is verified by the robot motion simulation,and the cumulative thickness of the sprayed area is simulated by Matlab.
Keywords/Search Tags:industry robot, spray, trajectory planning, off-line programming
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