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Research On The Task-based Reconfigurable Robot Trajectory Planning

Posted on:2016-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542476140Subject:Precision instruments and machinery
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards,the traditional types of robots have been unable to meet the demands of production,while the reconfigurable robots attract people’s attention because of their advantages.Reconfigurable robots can change the configurations based on different tasks and environments quickly and automatically,so they can work in complex and dangerous operating environments as a result of this feature,which provides a more diversified assistance for people.Therefore,it’s important to study the reconfigurable robots for production of human life and society.Firstly,the kinematic models of the reconfigurable robot system are modeled.The modules of reconfigurable robot system are classified,and a module library is established according to the characteristics and parameters of each module simultaneously to locate and select the desired module types.Meanwhile,the kinematic model for each module based on different parameters is established and then the unified kinematic model is established automatically.The accuracy of the modeling methods is verified through the VC interface simulation experiments finally.Secondly,the work space for the reconfigurable robot is studied.A method to solve multiple-connected region of the workspace is proposed based on the definition and division method of configuration plane,by solving the maximum values and minimum values with the form of polar coordinates.And the workspace of the reconfigurable robot is solved automatically by the method combining with coarse searching and fine searching.Thirdly,the kinematic models of reconfigurable robot are solved.The kinematic model of the entire robot is established based on the unified mathematical kinematic models,and the accuracy of the model is verified through simulation experiments.Afterwards,the spatial vector weights is solved by weighted space vector projection method,and the relationship between space vector angle and joint angle is obtained simultaneously,and then the inverse kinematics problem is solved finally.Finally,the trajectory planning problems of reconfigurable robot is studied.The spline curve of trajectory planning method is studied seriously after the typical linear trajectory planning and circular trajectory planning has been introduced.The three times B-spline curves and five B-spline curves obtained through the given point on the curve are derived,and the accuracy of this methods is verified through simulation experiments,and it’s proved that the five times spline curve fitting the results better.
Keywords/Search Tags:reconfigurable robot, inverse kinematics, trajectory planning, spline curve
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