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Research On Force Respecting Technique Of Teleoperation Robot

Posted on:2019-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330545497249Subject:Control Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,the teleoperation robots were controlled by operators who mostly relied on visual feedback information during the operation of the master.It was difficult to accurately perceive the relative position of the end manipulator which was contacted or collision by target object and it was impossible to accurately sense about the collision force though work situation determined through the visual information when the slave manipulator worked in during the so much complex non-repetitive operation.Operators were required strict with technology of operation and it was inefficient at work about teleoperation robot because of relying on visual information and other auxili ary sensing and operator proficiency in simple work process.It was researched about force perception reproduction system of teleoperation robot in this paperFirst of all,the multi-state models were designed according to the material of difference and adopting the method of nonlinear variable damping parameters.The force-producing system of the slave was established and it was studied about force-sense relationship between the slave and the target in the contact-collision process without the force sensor.Secondly,the force of slave manipulator was reproduced at the master by building a stable bilateral control system.The force could be perceived through the master end of manipulator and achieved the operator’s sense of assist.Furthermore,the force-reproduction system of master-slave isomorphism and heterogeneous were established in this paper considering practical application and characteristics of the system.The impedance-fuzzy PD bilateral control structure was proposed of homogeneous system.The Dis tributed task scheduling system of control scheme was proposed about heterogeneous system and the force of slave was reproduced in operating space.Although it was different between isomorphism and heterogeneous system about structure of the force reproduction and algorithm,its core was to allow operators to more accurately perceive the force information that generated from end of manipulator and objects.In order to fully improve the ability about the slave of end force reproduction to reduce operators’ the technical of operationand improve the efficiency,it was premeditated about control strategy that combined with stability of bilateral control and accuracy of master-slave position tracking.Finally,it was designed about three kinds of force reproducti on systems by Phantom Omni and Kinova devices with VS2010 and Matlab 2010b.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teleoperation system, Master-Slave isomorphism, Spatial matching, Master-Slave isomerism, Force reproduction
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