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Kinematic Parameter Calibration And Temperature Error Compensation For Industrial Robots

Posted on:2018-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330563952291Subject:Instrument Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China’s economy,industrial robots as a highly intelligent precision equipment,in the field of intelligent manufacturing as an increasingly important role in the automotive industry,military defense,high-end equipment,intelligent manufacturing,aerospace and other fields are Extensive application.With the increase of the time of industrial robots,the motor will wear out,the mechanical structure will be deformed,and even irreversible plastic deformation,these factors will lead directly to the industrial robot in the end of the positioning accuracy.In order to ensure the accuracy of industrial robot end positioning,the kinematic parameters of industrial robots must be calibrated and compensated.In this paper,the kinematic differential error model is studied to optimize the efficiency of the algorithm to identify the Jacobi matrix singular value decomposition,and to realize the recognition and compensation effect of geometric parameter error.At the same time,the deformation of the industrial robot is caused by the deformation of the mechanical structure,The error compensation scheme is put forward,and the temperature sensor layout model is constructed.Finally,the terminal positioning error compensation under the temperature change is realized,and the accuracy of the end position of the industrial robot is improved.The specific work of this paper is as follows:(1)The basic mathematical model of industrial robots is analyzed.Based on the M-DH model of industrial robot,the kinematic differential error model is analyzed in detail and the identifiable parameters are clarified.The ZX and XZ coordinate transformations are compared and analyzed under different order of change.The difference of the model is introduced and the kinematic model of the translation distance along the Y axis is introduced.At the same time,the laser tracker measurement system is introduced in detail with the transformation of polar coordinates and Cartesian coordinate system.(2)The kinematic differential error model for industrial robots is constructed.The kinematic differential error model is established,and the spatial distance is introduced into the calculation,which avoids the conversion error introduced by the transformation matrix of the coordinate system.Through the experiments of multiple spatial points,the calculation of the kinematic differential error algorithm under the space distance model is carried out,which compensates the kinematic parameters of the robot and achieves the effect of improving the positioning accuracy of the industrial robot.(3)The algorithm of kinematic error compensation is studied.The algorithm is used to write the compensation algorithm in Matlab language,and the singular value decomposition algorithm of Jacobian matrix is optimized.The iterative calculation model of SVD is introduced,and the algorithm structure is completed.,To build a data processing process,improve the overall efficiency of the calculation,so that the calculation has a higher stability.(4)carried out the temperature error compensation experiment.According to the kinematic differential error model,the uniaxial motion experiment of industrial robot is carried out.The temperature of the body is recorded by the temperature sensor,and the geometric parameter value needs to be compensated.The temperature sensor layout model is constructed,which achieves the effect of temperature compensation of industrial robots,and verifies the influence of compensation on the accuracy of the end position before and after compensation.At the same time,combined with the temperature change data,the source of heat source was analyzed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial robot, positioning accuracy, temperature error, distance calibration, iterative algorithm
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