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Research On The Location Of Wet Market Based On Analytic Hierarchy Process And Multi-objective Programming

Posted on:2017-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330488963715Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, In our country, the research on the location of the wet market is generally considered only by qualitative factors,The quantitative analysis of the location of the wet market is still relatively scarce.And the government in the planning of farmers market are based on experience,this directly led to many wet market operating efficiency is poor or even close down,and the illegal street market has occurred at many locations which seriously affect the image of the city and the public security management.Besides,wet market is the main consumption areas to purchase agricultural products in our country,Is closely related to people’s daily life.the location of the wet market is the common concern of households, public,government, market management and government planning departments.Therefore, it is significant to study the location of wet market.This study is based on a large number of previous studies on the site selection of wet market,considering the main factors influencing wet market location,In this paper,a summary of the influence factors on the site selection of wet market is summarized,And the new impact factor system is divided into qualitative factors and quantitative factors.The qualitative factors include:Road grade、The relationship of wet market and residential location、If it is convenient for parking、Land nature of the proposed site 、 Consumption level of residents 、 Residential district condition;Quantitative factors include:Competition and cooperation(The number of the same type of market、other types of fresh sales outlets、the number of cooperative relations,the number of kindergartens and primary schools in the vicinity)、Area、Population density.And by using the analytic hierarchy process and multi-objective programming to solve the wet market location model.The model takes into account both the qualitative and quantitative factors, and takes the maximization of operating efficiency as the ultimate goal.Finally,the model will be used in Pengzhou wet market location.In this paper, through the investigation of Pengzhou city farmers market found,that in practice, the qualitative and quantitative factors have a certain impact on the operating efficiency of the farmers market.In the influencing factors, traffic location conditions are the most important factors that affect the operating efficiency of agricultural market. If the location is not properly, it will be difficult to obtain a good operating efficiency.In addition, the radiation range of demographic characteristics, farmers market business area size is also affect farmers market operating efficiency factors.So, in order to make the research to have the universal significance and practical use value, only combination of qualitative and quantitative factors can get meaningful results.Finally examples of solving the model results show that in Pengzhou city planning three farmers market proposed point, NB01-02-11 position is the most ideal, and compared with the results by most experts agree, also Pengzhou City finally the selected farmers market construction site.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wet Markets Site selection, analytic hierarchy process, multi-objective programming, Pengzhou
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