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Analysis Of The Form And Content In The Creation

Posted on:2018-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K H WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Understanding and realizing the general law of interaction and unity of form and content.In order to better grasp the relationship between the two,so that the form and content of the creation of mutual adaptation and unity between the two.Personal experience in the creative practice in this paper,through the analysis of some general rules of common understanding and classic works in form and content,further summarized the relationship between form and content of their experience in the creation,in addition to the contents of a dominant form form sometimes leading or change the content.And change with the change of content.And regardless of the content or form the dominant dominant form of content,whether it is wrong or the flow,finally is the pursuit of mutual adaptation and unity.At the same time,it summarizes the main factors of the form in the work.In the face of the sincere creation of the form and content of the work,to achieve a high degree of unity of form and content.
Keywords/Search Tags:Form and content, creation, experience, creative face, interaction
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