Information technology is the development trend of today's world, as an important product of the information age of e-government has been highly attention of Governments, e-government information resource sharing has also become one of the hot academic research. To achieve the government's online service, online management and improve government efficiency, reduce administrative costs played a positive role in promoting. As a meeting point for Shandong Bohai Economic Zone and the Yellow River Economic Belt, is China's major economic province, e-government compared to other provinces started early, rapid development, has achieved some success in terms of information sharing, but with the developed areas than there are still some gaps and problems to be solved. Taking Shandong Province electronic government information resources sharing as research subjects, with a strong representation.In this paper.research methodsof literature analysis, theoretical analvsis.the use ofthe information flowtheory, publicgoods theory, information disclosuretheoryas the theoreticalsupportinnovativelocal realitiesofShandonglnformation Resourcesine-governmentintechnical, legal, treasuryandnetworkssharingthe problemsduring theanalysiscarried out, causingbottlenecksfrominfrastructureconstraints, standard gauge, resource management, security and other aspects, through the United States, Britain, France, Singapore and other developed countriesinterms ofe-govemmentinformation resource sharinginductionand comparison,from the successful experiencein these areas, and finally targetedput forward a soundnetwork system, grass-roots infrastructure,applicationdevelopment and construction,databaseconstruction, networksecuritybuildingmeasuresasthe elimination ofbarriers to sharing.At present, Shandong Province, the development of better e-government information resources sharing environment, but there are also some of the issues can not be ignored, must be based on the pioneering spirit, the use of advanced information and communication technologies, to break the bottleneck of, improve the government's administrative reform, comprehensively promote the province's e-government construction and information resource sharing. |