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School Discussion

Posted on:2018-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2356330533467752Subject:Legal History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It was a brilliant era of Chinese legal ideology in the late Ming and the early Qing Dynasties.A lot of thinkers with the spirits of innovation were born here during the time,and Huang Zongxi was one of the best.This representative personage of Confucian in the late Ming and the early Qing Dynasties,inherited the traditional Confucian ideas and reflected the lessons about the ruination on Ming and the social circumstance of the late Ming and the early Qing Dynasties through the way that called "Tuo-Gu".Then he also put forward his own ideas,such as “Gong-shang-jie-ben”(both industry and commerce are fundamental to the governing of the state),“Xin-min-ben”,“Judging right and false in school” and so on.He pushed the Confucian Classics into a new field.Moreover,his ideas had a profound influence on later Democratic Revolution.China has a long history of civilization,it plays an important role in educating personalities,the nation-state and the social system.The Kangxi two years(1663),Huang Zongxi rethought profoundly the traditional history,and tried to find out the reasons of the destruction of the feudal society,and then based on the demands of social practice,he wrote the recipes for the national salvation: Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu to future generations in his old age.Huang took the function of school seriously,and proposed a new idea: “discussing politics by school” in Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu of school.Because in his mind,a school also has a function that discuss political questions except for teaching------“Judging right and false in school”!This idea was similar with a parliamentary body or a public opinions center in recent history,though,it wasn’t a real congress,but it showed his consciousness of modern representative system,so it was the budding thought of parliamentary politics.Moreover,it was also dismissed the system strongly that “Judging right and false in court” in feudal monarch autocracy.It was the struggle for the people’s political power and supervision.Actually,it was a democratic enlightenment thought under the guidance of academic.Huang Zongxi’s academic theory and profound thought is an important part of the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation,it still has a very important theoretical and practical significance in nowadays.In view of this,This paper tries to systematically elaborate Huang Zongxi’s "discussing politics by school " thought,and try to sum-up some historical experience and lessons from it,and give some provide references for the construction of democracy and rule of law in the future...
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu, discussing politics by school, Huang Zongxi, new people-orientation, rule of law
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