All the hands of the government in our country have a large number of social information resource,the above can realize effective information resources sharing and collaboration will directly decide the Chinese government service level,and affects the development of the society as a whole process,so the government information resource sharing research has important practical significance.In the thesis,existing problems in the construction of government information resources sharing are introduced,the reasons of information sharing problem analyzed,the corresponding sharing mechanism innovation measures are put forward.In this paper,the results as follows:Firstly the related theories of government information resources sharing are introduced,including "cunning" theory,and the theory of e-government public service transformation.Second,the present situation of government information sharing is analyzed.The necessity and feasibility of information sharing are cleared;Then the government e-government basic analysis as well as the present situation information resource sharing are introduced;Then existing problems and reasons of the government information resources sharing are analyzed.Third,in view of the government resources sharing,the problem existing in information resource sharing mechanism innovation is put forward,including institutional innovation and transformation of ideological understanding,sharing mechanism,interest compensation and incentive mechanism,etc.Government information resources sharing is itself a system function,the existing problems in the sharing itself is a complex systemic problem,in this thesis,starting from the problem,the reasons of the existence are analyzed,and the corresponding solution strategy is proposed. |