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Analysis Of Cross-border Haze Management In Indonesia And Related Countries

Posted on:2019-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2356330566458057Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Indonesia’s transboundary haze pollution is a regional environmental issue worth noting.Except for some natural factors,the excessive pursuit of plantations’ economic interests throughout the country and the long-standing habit of local smallholders to“spark” wasteland is undoubtedly the reason for the haze pollution.Over the years,haze pollution has caused a serious negative impact on the countries in the region.It was originally considered as “an Indonesian issue.” However,other countries in ASEAN gradually realized that the problem was difficult to eradicate only by Indonesia.In recent years,relevant countries have made useful explorations and attempts to promote transboundary haze pollution governance,including domestic efforts and regional environmental cooperation mechanisms.However,transboundary haze pollution governance is a highly comprehensive and systematic project involving the strength of various parties for a long time.Difficulties include weak institutional mechanism at the ASEAN level,weak law enforcement and supervision in Indonesia,benefit distribution in different countries and even at one country’s central and local levels,and people’s weak environmental awareness.Based on the reality,this thesis attempts to propose a possible solution to the problem.In order to eradicate the transboundary haze problem,a multi-dimensional,global collaborative governance system should be built,the ASEAN countries’ government should take over the main responsibility,and use as many methods as possible to attract more actors to participate in the overall governance,and jointly promote the collaborative governance.The proposed countermeasures include strengthening the institutional design at the ASEAN level,leveraging economic leverage,giving full play to the role of non-governmental organizations,enhancing participation at the enterprise level,and maximizing the use of technical ways.As China and ASEAN strengthen their cooperation in various fields,the thesis also gives some suggestions on China’s participation in transboundary haze governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Indonesia, Transboundary haze, ASEAN, Collaborative governance
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