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Cao Xijun's Research On The Archival Literature

Posted on:2019-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2358330542482073Subject:Books intelligence
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mr.Cao Xichen,who as a representative of the older generation of outstanding archival scientists in China,devoted his whole life to the development of archival cause in China.His academic thought based on archival compilation thought has become precious cultural wealth in China.This paper will make a monographic study and analyze the inductively archival compilation`s thought of Mr.Cao.This paper divides into three parts.The first part is Mr.Cao’s life brief and the background of the formation of his archival and compiling thoughts,including the two aspects of social background and professional background.This part analyzes Mr.Cao’s influence on the formation of Cao’s academic thoughts.The second part mainly introduces the concrete contents of Mr.Cao’s thought of archival compilation,including three aspects: compiling history,compiling principle and compiling process.This part sums up the essence of his ideological content in detail.The third part summarizes the outstanding contributions of Cao’s archival compilation from theory and practice.This part points out that his thought plays an irreplaceable role in Chinese archival circles.Mr.Cao devoted himself to the Archives Compilation,his academic thought and development greatly affected the compilation of archives documents in our country history and the theory of science and related disciplines.At the meaning time understanding and inheriting Mr.Cao the ideological connotation and spiritual character will promote the development of the compilation of archives in China to a certain extent.Therefore,it is very necessary to research Mr.Cao Xichen’s academic thought in detail.
Keywords/Search Tags:Archives Compilation, Cao Xichen, thought of archival compilation, contribution
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