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Zhuangjing Technology Customer Relationship Management Research

Posted on:2012-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330374489601Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the market competition which is becoming more intensive nowadays, opportunities are more likely to lean on the one who can get the first-hand customer recourses. Customer Relationship Management, as a high efficient combination of contemporary management science and advanced information technology, promote the transformation of development of many companies from product-centric to customer-centric. Because Customer Relationship Management can help companies make accurate responses in time towards the quick change of the market environment and customer’s expectation, and increase the customer’s satisfaction and loyalty, it has been applied in all walks of life.This paper is based on the theory of customer relationship management, customer life cycle, customer value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and combines the actual operating conditions of Zhuangjing Technology Ltd.(Zhuangjing Tec.) At first the Current situation of system integration market and the challenge of the company are analyzed, the necessity and feasibility of implementing the Customer Relationship Management strategy are discussed. Then, the strategic target and specific measures of the strategy came out. Finally, a summary of the strategy for the past2years is concluded.In order to analyze the result of the application of the Customer Relationship Management strategy qualitatively and quantitatively in the company, a lot of research methods are used in this paper, such as documents induction, market research, case analysis and mathematical statistics. This is importantly significant for the company to construct its own characteristics of Customer Relationship Management system and meet the coming internationalization in system integration market.
Keywords/Search Tags:customer relationship management, customer life cycle, customer value, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty
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