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The Research Of WeChat Marketing And Its Effects On Consumers Purchasing Intention

Posted on:2017-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330512468567Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tencent launched a new instant messaging tools-WeChat,since 2011 launch quickly occupied the app market,for its large user base micro channel bring enormous business opportunities.Therefore,all kinds of enterprises have been stationed in WeChat platform,the WeChat as enterprises to promote products,enhance the service quality of an important channel to,thus forming a new marketing mode,WeChat marketing.From the existing literature, domestic scholars for the study of WeChat marketing lack of empirical study, mostly qualitative research,and the research about the WeChat marketing and the relationship between the consumer purchase intention is more scanty.This paper systematically, in WeChat based on marketing research literature,through interviews with experts,extracted from the five related factors affect the WeChat marketing, namely its brand awareness,micro channel quality information push,micro channel to participate in marketing activities,opinion leaders and corporate use micro channel interaction with the fans.Through the introduction of perceived value and perceived risk two intermediate variables to construct the WeChat marketing on consumer purchase will of the theoretical model,according to the theoretical model and reference previous maturity scale, design a micro channel marketing on consumer purchase intention questionnaire and on the Internet and WeChat mobile client random questionnaire survey.Through to the recycling effective questionnaire data processing and correlation analysis and regression analysis to verify the research hypothesis,and the conclusions are as follows:Perceived value and perceived risk have a significant impact on purchase intention;Brand awareness,WeChat push the quality of information,the way WeChat marketing activities,companies use WeChat and fans of the interaction can significantly affect the purchase intentions;WeChat marketing activities,the way companies use WeChat and fans of the interaction can significantly affect the perceived value;WeChat push information quality,opinion leaders to participate in a significant impact on perceived risk.
Keywords/Search Tags:WeChat, WeChat marketing, perceived risk, perceived value, purchasing intention
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