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Influence Of "11.11 Shopping Festival" On College Students’ Consuming Behavior

Posted on:2018-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M MaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of Internet leads human to the information age when online shopping gradually comes into people’s life and become very important.Online shopping has changed people’s traditional consuming pattern and ideas through its unique advantages.Online shopping developed steadily before 2009,while the birth of 11.11 Shopping Festival in 2009 brought huge influence on both consumers’ behavior and online turnover.The 11.11 Shopping Festival creates miracles once and once again from 2009 to 2016.At the same time,the energetic college students-the group at the forefront of society with sensitive insight and quick response abilities-have been the promoter of the development of Internet and the major force of online shopping.On the basis of 11.11 Shopping Festival’s influence on online shopping,its prolonging period of time and college students’ crucial roles in online shopping,this essay is mainly researching the influence of 11.11 Shopping Festival on College Students’ Consuming Behavior.By doing the questionnaire survey to the college students of NENU,this essay aims to collect data of college students’ online consuming behavior index – types of consumer goods,consumption time,consumption pattern,consumer demand,repurchasing,purchasing frequency and price.On the basis of some data,the author made the descriptive statistic analysis of college students’ online consuming behavior.During the analysis,the author found out “ 11·11 Shopping Festival” exerts great influence on college students’ online consuming behavior though its external and internal factors.External factor includes the structure of 11·11 marketing scene,advertising,promotion and the influence of reference group.Internal factor mainly includes the application of college students’ “ten thousand hours” discipline,the release of self-control,influences of psychological factors like selecting new goods,under the condition of anticipated regret type of purchasing,stock up type of purchasing.Influenced by these two factors,college students take an active part in 11·11 Shopping Festival.But we should pay attention to the problems that exist in their online shopping,such as follow suit consumption,impulse consumption and premature consumption.The author believed these problems can be solved through purifying college students’ consuming environment,setting up the correct household consumption concept and cultivating the proper consumption concept among college students themselves.These three methods aim to help college students to establish correct and rational consumption concept.At last,the author made some suggestions to e-commerce to attract college students.
Keywords/Search Tags:11.11 Shopping Festival, College students, Consuming behavior, Influence
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