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High Efficient And Reliable Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Based On Clamp Diode And Saturation Inductor

Posted on:2020-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330596975377Subject:Electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the environmental issues are becoming more and more serious by massive using the traditional fossil fuels,renewable energy generation are taken much consideration.Unfortunately the renewable energy generation cannot offer stable and continual electric power.Adding bidirectional DC-DC converters can make the power transform more smoothly.This article introduces the bidirectional full bridge DC-DC converts.Full bridge DCDC converts have bonds of advantages,such as symmetric construction,high power density,easy for switches to achieve zero voltage switching(ZVS).Firstly the basic working principles of traditional phase-shift controlling strategy of the bidirectional full bridge DC-DC converters are introduced in the article.It contains the conditions to achieve the ZVS,the current stress of the inductance and the phenomenon of the power back-flow.In order to get over the shortage,traditional control strategy brought,a dual phase-shift control strategy is proposed.Under this strategy,the dual active full bridge DC-DC converters perform better which deduce the current stress as well as minimize the back-flow power.Moreover the toolbox in MATALB is used to get the lowest current stress and back-flow power under the same transmission power.Therefore the high efficiency and reliable bidirectional DC-DC converters has been got.In addition,on the basis of the dual phase-shift controlling full bridge DC-DC converters,a new bidirectional half bridge DC-DC converters with active clamping branch are introduced.This converter suits well in the circumstance which the storage batteries are embedded in the renewable energy generation systems.The new half bridge DC-DC converters can realize ZVS for all switches more easily while the number of switches is decreased compared with the traditional full bridge DC-DC converters.By adopting the clamping branch,the high voltage spike and high circulating loss is lower down obviously.What’s more,under the phase-shift plus pulse-width-modulation controlling strategy,the new half bridge bidirectional DC-DC converters can lower the current stress as well as the back-flow power.Therefore the new half bridge bidirectional DC-DC converters with clamping branch is high efficiency and reliable.Finally,three DC-DC converters’ working characteristic are simulated in the software “Candence”.The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method proposed in this article.It’s said that the optimized double phase-shift controlling strategy help the bidirectional DC-DC converters work more efficient and reliable while the new half bridge DC-DC converter can also perform well in the renewable energy generation systems while the storage batteries are embedded in the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:renewable energy generation, bidirectional dc-dc converters, soft switching, dual phase-shift controlling strategy, clamping diode
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