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Discussion On The Inheritance And Development Of Wood Carving In Chaozhou

Posted on:2017-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chaozhou woodcarving art,has a long history and full of charm.After Artisan crafted,it actually reborn,beautiful,as if recounting long beautiful story.It flows from Lingnan wood culture blood,recording and carrying the folk Lingnan customs.With folk hand and wisdom,time memory carved in the original rough wood.The main theme and content are well-known and loved the myths? legends ?operas and historical stories,tirelessly telling of the Lingnan person own life?customs? spirit concepts and aesthetic philosophy.In the 21 st century,the world we live in has changed dramatically,the development of science and technology,making our society as a whole leap forward,especially in the recent years the computer and the Internet rise,narrowing the distance between people,people's level of understanding and aesthetic taste also developing with the times.People's living environment,concept and way of life is changing.Under the new political,economic and cultural background,Chaozhou wood carving development is difficult.How to effective inheritance and development become a problem worthy of attention.This paper research and analysis the Chaozhou wood carving historical and cultural background,aesthetic characteristics,development status,and proposed the development of recommendations from the point of view of science technology ?culture?personnel,industrial economy.Chaozhou Woodcarving in the new era should be endowed with new content,so as to arouse the attention of social all circles on the protection and the development of this kind of traditional craft,the better to explore the essence of Lingnan traditional woodcarving culture,let it shine forever in the culture and history of the Chinese nation...
Keywords/Search Tags:Lingnan traditional craft, Chaozhou wood carving, Open, Technology, Culture?Inheritance?integration development
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