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A Study On Teaching Strategies Of Common Modal Words In Chinese As A Foreign Language

Posted on:2019-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545973330Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the modern Chinese vocabulary system,although the number of modal words is not large,it is flexible in use.The tone of expression is very rich in meaning and it is used frequently in daily communication.Therefore,it has become one of the difficulties in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.Whether or not you can freely use modal words has always been an important criterion for evaluating the level of Chinese proficiency of foreign students.From the perspective of teaching Chinese as a foreign language,this article will focus on the representative words that often appear to be misleading:“ba”“ma”“ne”“de”“le”and“a”.In order to test the acquisition situation of foreign students 'modality words in the form of questionnaires,the foreign students' biases in learning and using these common modality words in modern Chinese are drawn.On this basis,summarizing the reasons for overseas students' acquisition of these modality words and further exploring how to better use systematically easier and more understandable ways for foreign students to acquire modality words in order to improve the level and quality of teaching Chinese as a foreign language.This article is divided into three parts:introduction,text,and conclusion.The first part of the introduction mainly discusses the reasons for choosing the topic,confirms the research object,and the recent research status of the Modal particle in modern Chinese and the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language.The second part of the text,a total of four chapters.The first chapter specifically discusses the specific usage of modal words in teaching.The second chapter combines the current general Chinese syllabus and commonly used Chinese teaching materials.By analyzing the syllabus and the teaching content and teaching sequence of the teaching materials,the current modality words are summarized in the Chinese as a foreign language.Teaching status and teaching status.The third chapter uses common modality words as the investigation content.According to the data collected from the survey,the foreign students' errors in the use of modality words are analyzed,and the sequence of modality word acquisition from easy to difficult is concluded:a>ma>ba>ne>de>le.The fourth chapter combines corpus and summarizes the causes of errors in modality words and suggests teaching.The third part concludes with summarizing the content of this article and explains the deficiencies in this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:modal particle, error analysis, teaching strategies, teaching suggestions
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