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Problems Related To Syntactic Linearity In SI

Posted on:2019-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y MaFull Text:PDF
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This practice report is based on the author's experience on the fourth West E-commerce Development Summit.In the interpreting process,handling the dense information and complex logic relations in Chinese long complex sentences and Chinese run-on sentences brings about many problems concerning syntactic linearity.By looking into the English syntax and the related studies about syntactic linearity,the author tries to analyze and solve the problems she encountered in the process of SI.She finds that putting Chinese chunks of messages into English requires very high proficiency for her to use the English syntax very flexibly and accurately for conveying the message along the order of Chinese sequences of short sentences.This helps save a lot of energy and time for the effective SI.
Keywords/Search Tags:Simultaneous interpreting, Syntax, Syntactic linearity
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