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Research On Landscape Art Performance Based On Songhua River Regional Form

Posted on:2020-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B T ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330572497455Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Landscape art appeared in the United States in the 1960 s.It takes various elements of nature as the raw materials for creating landscape art.Landscape art is different from painting.Painting is to bring the landscape of nature into the painter’s canvas.Landscape art is created in the changing nature.The social responsibility of landscape art is to try to restore art art and respond positively to the relationship between man and nature,man and society,society and nature.Through landscape art,we try to restore the charm of nature.In this paper,the design principles,design methods and characteristics of landscape art are thoroughly explored.Combining with the development status of landscape art at home and abroad,the feasibility of the development of landscape art in China is studied.Firstly,this paper studies the relevant background and theoretical support of landscape art,and compares the current situation of landscape art development at home and abroad,as well as the research concept of landscape plastic art;secondly,it mainly focuses on the development of landscape art and urban public art in Songhua River region,the artistic characteristics of Songhua River regional morphology and the corresponding landscape art in Songhua River regional morphology.In the end,taking Songhua River regional form as an example to discuss and summarize the application of urban landscape art,mainly from the resources and background of Songhua River regional form to elaborate Songhua River region and people,life and emotional exchanges,to show the harmony between man and nature,in order to better continue the Guandong context of Songhua River region.By investigating the current situation of Songhua River’s landscape art,we further understand its diverse regional cultural resources,and analyze its development status,existing problems,trends and future development strategies.Through the application of landscape art in Songhua River region,the ingenious use of Songhua River regional form,the use of space creation in the composition of points,lines and surfaces,into the design of ecological techniques and diversification of materials,create a rich era of landscape art.
Keywords/Search Tags:landscape art, Songhua River, Regional Form, Application
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