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William Turner’s Painting And My Creation

Posted on:2020-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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William Turner is a very important painter in the history of art.His landscape oil paintings are the most important part of his artistic career.In many respects,he has reached the height that his predecessors did not reach.From the point of view of performance,his paintings are freed from the stereotypes of classical paintings.At the same time,the study of light and color is deeper,breaking through the color system of traditional classical paintings,and he tried to use the abstract expressions in the paintings.The early researcher of light color was William Turner.His bold exploration and use of light color let painting get to a new stage of development.Turner blends the color with light perfectly.All the forms melt in the change of light color,which reflects the passion of Turner’s romanticism.It changed the conventional understanding of aesthetics at that time,and had a profound influence on many later art schools such as impressionism and abstraction.This paper firstly conduct a general combing about Turner’s painting language.Then,it concretely analyzes Turner’s figurative performance and abstract performance in his paintings.Futher,it analyzes Turner’s painting style and the impacts of it on the Impressionist Painting.At the end of the paper,I will talk about the use of Turner’s painting style and have a self-examination conbined with my own paintings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Turner, figurative representation, abstract expressionism, oil painting
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