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The Effect Of Working Memory Types On Location-based And Object-based Inhibition Of Return

Posted on:2020-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575480723Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the spatial cues paradigm,when the time interval between the start of the clue and the start of the target is long,the target appearing at the clue position is slower than the target appearing at the non-cue position.This phenomenon is called return suppression(Inhibition of return,referred to as IOR).According to its reference frame,it can be divided into object-based return suppression and location-based return suppression.Research on its mechanism is a hot topic.There are mainly attention to inhibition theory,reaction inhibition theory and conversion inhibition theory.The transformation inhibition theory holds that return inhibition occurs in the association between the perceptual representation of the activated target stimulus and the nature of the response,and that the attentional changes in the cue presentation phase and the target presentation phase do not affect the return inhibition.There is evidence that working memory is involved in the process of return inhibition.Visual working memory includes both spatial working memory and object working memory.Numerous studies have shown that both the clue presentation phase and the attentional changes in the target presentation phase have an impact on IOR.Castel et al.(2003),Chou and Yeh(2008),Zhang Lizhen,Zhu Lei(2015)and other studies used the paradigm to only examine the effects of attention changes in the target stage,and obtained spatial working memory only affects position IOR,object working memory.Only affecting the object IOR,color working memory only affects the color IOR.Klein,Castel,& Pratt(2006),Vivas(2010),Zhang,Zhang(2011)and others examine the effects of attentional changes in the cue phase,but the results are not consistent.We compare two representative articles and find that Vivas et al.(2010)present the object working memory project,IOR is not affected,and Zhang and Zhang(2011)simultaneously present spatial working memory projects,and IOR is affected..The memory difficulty based on the memory item presented on the basis of time is larger than that at the same time.We speculate that it is more likely that the result of the mismatch between the working memory type and the return suppression type is inconsistent.Therefore,this study uses the dual task paradigm to explore the reasons for the emergence of IOR in Vivas(2010),and explores how working memory affects return suppression.Experiment 1 excludes the influence of the object working memory task presentation onthe spatial position based return suppression.The 2(memory project: sequence presentation,simultaneous presentation)× 2(cue: cue,non-cue)was used to design the subject.The results show that both the sequence and the simultaneous presentation conditions produce a very significant return inhibition effect.In the second experiment,in order to explore the influence of spatial working memory on spatial position-based return suppression,2(memory project: no,yes)× 2(cue: cue,non-cue)was designed.The results showed that there was no significant return inhibition effect under the conditions of working memory items,and there was a significant return inhibition effect under no working memory conditions.It shows that spatial working memory has an impact on spatial position-based return suppression.Combined with Experiment 1,we can see that different visual working memory representations have different effects on spatial position-based return suppression.Supports conversion suppression theory.However,an important manifestation of the conversion inhibition theory is that there is no difference between the attention change in the clue phase and the attention change in the target presentation phase.Chou and Yeh(2008)are the effects of attentional changes in the target stage of the investigation.It is found that spatial working memory only affects the positional IOR,and the working memory of the object only affects the object IOR,if the attentional changes in the clue phase affect the impact and Chou and Yeh(2008),the influence caused by the change of attention in the target stage is consistent,which further supports the theory of conversion inhibition.Experiment 3 explores the effect of visual work memory types on return inhibition when the memory item is presented before the cue is presented.A 2×2 experimental design was used.The independent variables are clue conditions(valid and invalid)and working memory task types(object tasks and direction tasks),and the dependent variables are the response time and the correct rate.The results show that spatial working memory only affects spatial position-based return suppression without affecting object-based return suppression.Object working memory only affects object-based return suppression without affecting spatial position-based return suppression.It is indicated that there is no difference in the attention change of the cue presentation stage and the attention change of the target presentation stage,and the conversion inhibition theory is supported.In summary,this study has the following conclusions:(1)The presentation of working memory does not affect the amount of return inhibition effect;(2)The return of inhibition reaction when working memory is longer than that of working memory at the same time.(3)Consistent with the visual working memory presenting between the clue and the target,when the working memory is presented before the clue,the spatial working memory only affects the return inhibition based on the spatial position,and does not affect the object-based return inhibition.The object working memory only affects the return suppression based on the object,and does not affect the return suppression based on the spatial position.This result supports the theory of conversion suppression.
Keywords/Search Tags:object working memory, spatial working memory, object-based inhibition of return, location-based inhibition of return, conversion inhibition theory
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