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An Analysis Of C-E Translation Of Scientific Texts From The Perspective Of Skopos Theory-on The Translation Of Mechanical Engineering English Text

Posted on:2020-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J KongFull Text:PDF
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Science and technology has witnessed blossoming development in China since the policy of reform and opening up being proposed in the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC.However,since the world has no unified language communicating system,scientific translation has come on the historical stage,which means a lot to our country's overall development.Benign development of scientific translation will display the scientific contents of our country and ensure the outside world with a better acknowledgement.Under this background,Skopos Theory put forward by German functional translation experts explicitly suggests the translators firstly study the original contents carefully,then explain the true meaning with skilled translation strategies without obeying the author's intentions.Skopos Theory manifests the basic rules of translation work,namely the translation contents should be conformed with the original texts.During translation,expression methods and sentence types should be taken into consideration to enable a subtle understanding of readers.In a word,translators ought to convey to the readers the central meaning of the original texts.As Skopos Theory emphasizes the realization of intended function of translation,the existence of various translation criteria is regarded.Correct understanding and expression make the two aspects of the translation process.Because of the essential differences between English and Chinese,translators must combine the structural characteristics into the translation work,getting rid of the restriction of the original expression methods.In 2015,our government came up with the development goal of manufacturing power.Thus,manufacturing industry must endeavour to improve its technological level and innovative ability so as to take up a proper place in the international market.However,compared with developed countries,there is room for further improvement in our manufacturing industry.Therefore we must learn from advanced management experience and technology.In scientific translation system,mechanical engineering English is typical both in words translation and expression methods.Guided by Skopos Theory,the author mainly focuses on a chapter of Mechanical Engineering English Text and analyses the specialities of Chinese and English from the perspectives of language expression and logical thinking.After a further analysis of the original text,the author decides to adopt the translation strategy of liberal translation and literal translation combining the translation skills of division and combination,to analyse the translation material and develop translation research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technical Translation, Skopos Theory, Mechanical Engineering English Text, Translation Strategies, Translation Methods
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