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Ecological Discourse Analysis Of The Public Signs Of Environmental Protection

Posted on:2020-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Q HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330572474655Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 20th century,the ecological crisis brought about by industrialization has made the ecological problem a major issue,and the language ecological crises such as language endangerment and language diversity.have led to the ecological turn of language research.Therefore,in this context,ecolinguistics came into being As a new subject,the main task of ecolinguistics is to study the interaction between language and ecology Ecological discourse analysis belongs to the research field of ecolinguistics,and the study of it can promote to think and act ecolinguistically.In the Chinese context,Xi Jinping regards the ecological civilization construction as an important part of the five-sphere integrated plan,and the most direct way to guide the public’s ecological awareness and action in language is the public signs of environmental protection,so the author collects and identifies the 120 public signs of environmental protection mainly by taking photos as corpus for ecological discourse analysisUnder the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics,based on Halliday’s transitivity and Martin’s attitude system,this thesis adopts quantitative and qualitative research methods to carry out the analysis.The transitivity analysis can explore the roles and functions of the verbs which abound in the public signs of environmental protection in the construction of the relationship between human and environment,and the use of attitude system can better explore the human attitudes to the environment from the language level.The present study aims to answer the following three questions.First,how are the transitivity processes and attitude resources distributed in the public signs of environmental protection?Second,how are the ecological features of the public signs of environmental protection realized?Third,what are the implications of the ecological features of language for the construction of the public signs of environmental protection?By answering the first two questions,the author hopes to explore how the relationship between human beings and the environment is embodied in the public signs of environmental protection,and how the human attitudes to the environment and the ecological consciousness are expressed in the Chinese context,and the author tries to solve the third problem in order to encourage and guide human beings to pay attention to the guiding role of the public signs of environmental protection,correctly understand the relationship between human beings and the environment,set up a correct ecological view,and enhance environmental awareness.Based on the data analysis and discussions of the results,the study draws the following conclusions.(1)The top three process types for distribution in the whole corpus are material process(55.96%),relational process(19.27%)and mental process(13.30%).The material process indicates that the public signs of environmental protection have the most dynamic demands on human beings and need human beings to protect the environment from action.The relational process shows that human behaviors are closely related to the environment.The mental process mostly use the personification techniques to give the environment the emotions of people.arousing human resonance.(2).The three subcategories of attitude syster—appreciation,affect and judgment account for 41.57%,37.36%and 21.13%of the total corpus,respectively.Valuation in appreciation,inclination in affect,and propriety and tenacity in judgement are the most.The embodiment of attitude meaning includes lexical level and clause level.The positive attitude is much more than the negative attitude in the whole corpus,which indicates that the public signs of environmental protection are intended to convey the positive meaning to the public.(3).The ecological features of public signs of environmental protection are mainly reflected in five aspects:pronouns,cognition or evaluation of environmental things,taking things as agents,high degree words and consciousness.Therefore,when constructing public signs of environmental protection,we should grasp these ecological features of the language,such as emphasizing the value of environmental things,and avoiding the appearance of possessive pronouns and so on.In a word,this thesis enriches the corpus research of ecological discourse analysis,jumps out of the mode of translation of public signs,and provides a certain example for the research mode of ecological discourse analysis.Besides,it has a guiding significance to people in practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecological discourse analysis, public signs of environmental protection, transitivity, attitude resources, ecological features
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