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The Translation Report On E-C Translation Of Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide From The Perspective Of Translation Variation Theory

Posted on:2020-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
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In the history of mankind,events such as economic recession,malignant epidemics,terrorist activities,and global warming have occurred frequently.Faced with the worsening living environment,people are more concerned about the future survival.However,with the improvement of people's safety awareness,how to obtain survival skills arouses widespread concern in society.This translation practice is excerpted from a popular survival book,Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide,which covers various topics such as medicine,water,security,food storage,and tool use.This book shows readers how to survive under some circumstances like water shortages,poor communication and being injured.The translator translated parts of book Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide under the guidance of Translation Variation Theory.Professor Huang Zhonglian,a famous Chinese translator,put forward the Translation Variation Theory,and he is also the first scholar to systematize this theory.He proposed translation variation in his book Translation Variation Theory,which means to meet the special needs of the special readers under certain circumstance by using appropriate adaptations such as supplement,deletion,edition,narration,condensation,combination and adaption.In addition,the book illustrates on the operability of Translation Variation Theory in practical text translation.Stylistically,the source text belongs to pragmatic text.Pragmatic text is a kind of content-centered and reader-oriented text with the major aim of conveying information.Translators should pay attention to the readability of target text and readers' acceptability of the translated work.Therefore,the translator applied flexible translation variation methods to convey the useful information.Professor Huang also exemplified that pragmatic text translation should stick to the principle of being fast,concise and correct.The source text of translation report is excerpted from the first,the third and thefourth part of the book--Prepper's Long-Term Survival Guide.This practice report consists of five parts.The first part briefly introduces the background information,objectives and significance of the translation practice.The second part explains the preparation of terms and theory and translation schedule.The third part describes the challenges in translation.The fourth part focuses on the analysis,verifying the value and significance of the variation theory in pragmatic texts.In the last part,the translator summarizes the major findings of the translation practice and the problems need to be solved,and provides some suggestions for further study.Through this translation practice,the translator hopes to achieve two goals.On the one hand,through the study and application of theories,the translator hopes to master translation skills and improve translation competence.On the other hand,through survival guide texts were translated,the translator hopes to arouse people's survival consciousness and provide survival guide for more people to better survival in circumstance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation Variation Theory, translation process, long-term survival, pragmatic text
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