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A Critical Discourse Analysis Of Chinese And American News Reports On The Korean Peninsula Issue

Posted on:2020-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602454862Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA)focuses on the analysis of the language features in the texts and studies the social background of the texts.It reveals the ideology and power hidden behind the texts.Fairclough made great contributions to CDA,and his Three-Dimensional Model is used to analyze news discourse.Many researches on news discourse are conducted with the Three-Dimensional Model as the basic framework.The situation in the Korean Peninsula has aroused widely concern in the world in 2018.North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and the US President Donald Trump first met in Singapore after the Korean Peninsula split in 1948.This summit brings a bright future for the Korean Peninsula.China Daily and The New York Times released news reports about the summit.Therefore,this research aims to analyze linguistic features in Chinese and American news reports about this summit to reveal the hidden ideologies from the perspective of CDA with Fairclough’s Three-Dimensional Model.There are three questions in this research.1.What linguistic features are used to reflect the differences of ideologies between the two newspapers at the description stage? 2.How do the news sources and reporting modes reflect the differences of ideologies between Chinese and American news reports at the interpretation stage? 3.What are the political and cultural backgrounds that can be used to explain the differences of ideologies expressed in the two newspapers at the explanation stage?In this research,10 English news reports from China Daily(CD)and 10 from The New York Times(NYT)are selected respectively on the summit from May to December in 2018.These selected news reports are analyzed with qualitative and quantitative methods.The corpus analysis tool AntConc 3.5.7was adopted to ensure the objectivity of research.The results of the analysis indicate that the news media in the two countries differ in their coverage of the same issue.At the description stage,the transitivity and modality of the news reports are analyzed.As to transitivity system,material process,verbal and relational processes take a high percentage in China Daily and The New York Times.China Daily uses more material and verbal processes than that in The New York Times,while relational processin The New York Times is higher than that in China Daily.As to modality system,China Daily and The New York Times mostly use median and low value modal verbs.China Daily reported this event from the perspective of the summit and called on both sides actively to promote the meeting process.In The New York Times,it can be clearly seen from the use of median value modal words when the Trump administration talked about the summit.President Trump admired this summit as a historical moment,but when it refers the topic of denuclearization,American news reporters portray the United States as a powerful country that can ask North Korean government to take more actions on the process of denuclearization and show that the United States plays a dominate role in the denuclearization of the Korea Peninsula.At the interpretation stage,through the analysis of news sources and reporting modes,specific source in news reports takes a higher percentage than semi-specific and unspecific source in both China Daily and The New York Times.China Daily uses more specific source than The New York Times.As for reporting modes,the distribution of direct speech in China Daily takes a higher percentage than that in The New York Times,and the percentage of indirect speech in China Daily is lower than that in The New York Times.China Daily applies more direct speech to make their reports more authentic for readers;The New York Times uses more indirect speech and semi-specific news source to imply the uncooperative image about denuclearization of North Korea.At the explanation stage,through the analysis of political and cultural background of the two media,America advocates individualistic culture and has a tough foreign policy towards North Korea,which makes its news media emphasize the interests of their country.While collectivism is the main culture in China,which always supports the resolution of the Korean Peninsula issue through the equal dialogue.Through the analysis of this research,it can help readers have a better and deeper understanding on news reports.At the same time,it can also enhance people’s anti-control consciousness in news reading.
Keywords/Search Tags:Critical Discourse Analysis, news discourse, the Korean Peninsula issue, ideology
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