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Hume's Ethical Research On The Justice Of Compassion

Posted on:2021-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
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Thinking about the justice ethics of Hume's sympathy should start from his sympathy theory.It first examines the impact of British social change and the thinking of ancient and contemporary thinkers on Hume's thought in the 18 th century,and how these thought influences laid the foundation of empiricism and utilitarianism for its sympathy theory.On this basis,determine the ideological connotation of Hume's sympathy theory,explore the empiricism foundation of sympathy,analyze the internal relationship between sympathy and justice,and point out that the empirical cognition constructed based on perception points to utilitarian life,and compassion must be the driving force of human nature.Because of sympathy,we are able to perceive the emotions of others,prompting our cognition and vision not only to stay above our own or immediate interests,but to broaden our horizons and care for the interests of others and the long-term.This is because people cannot exist in society alone,and the reason why individuals move towards others to form society is because society can help them survive and develop.Therefore,in order to ensure the interests of everyone,a society organized by people establishes the rules of justice through the transmission of sympathy,so as to mediate conflicts of interest between individuals,and sympathy promotes the emergence of universal and consistent justice.Justice is an important force to guide individuals to the society,because the benefits of justice not only enable the effective mediation of contradictions between different interest subjects,but also necessarily activate the sympathy of group survival.Based on the above analysis,in order to further explore the justice ethics of Hume's sympathy,we need to examine the distinction between the virtues of nature and man-made virtues,and point out that the justice ethics of Hume's sympathy are man-made virtues.In Hume's view,man-made virtues are designed according to people's needs.In order to survive in society,we must abide by the common rules of justice and improve individual morality.Hume's sympathetic justice is based on sympathy.This social rule established to ensure better survivaland development requires everyone to abide by.In social life,people will want to seek more resources for survival and development in order to obtain more benefits.This is a self-serving performance.If everyone only cares about their own interests,the society cannot maintain long-term stable and healthy development.Therefore,while pursuing self-interest,one must consider the interests of the other.This is the mutual benefit of compassion and justice.This mutual benefit makes people see the benefits of obeying justice to others,and motivates people to break through the limitations of their current interests and take a long-term view.Only by maintaining or promoting the improvement of the overall interests of society can the personal interests be finally realized Satisfy.Therefore,self-interest and mutual benefit constitute the complete connotation of Hume's sympathetic justice ethics.At the same time,the justice ethics of sympathy,which is based on the unity of self-interest and mutual opposition,is universal.It applies to all members of society who live in the society,and everyone can expect to better satisfy themselves when everyone consciously abides by it.Need for survival and development.From a holistic perspective,Hume's compassionate justice ethics stimulates justice with compassion,and justice can feed back sympathy.Because of the pursuit of mutual benefit from self-interest,and through the basic appeal of mutual benefit and self-interest,has gained the dual universality of practice and theory Sex.It is this universal appeal in both practice and theory that enables Hume 's sympathy for the ethics of justice to provide a cognitive and methodological reference for later studies of sympathy and justice ethics.For example,Adam Smith 's sympathy theory is sympathy in Hume Based on this development.In the daily social life,the daily life process of each of us is actually a process of constructing morality.Regardless of the circumstances in which we want to be virtuous,Hume's sympathetic justice can be the source of his cognition,and the meaning of the method can be gained from it.Objectively speaking,some of the ethical problems we face today are actually solutions that can be explored through Hume's sympathetic justice ethics,so as to promote socialist ethical thoughht can more effectively expand their moral practice functions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sympathy, Justice, Compassionate justice, The virtue of human, Self-interest and mutual benefit
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