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On Carrier’s Seaworthiness Obligations Under Rotterdam Rules And The Perfection Of China’s Maritime Law

Posted on:2019-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The carrier’s airworthiness obligation is an important part of the legal system for the carriage of goods by sea.Early in the early twentieth Century,the International Convention on the adjustment of marine goods by the Hague rules was recognized as the primary obligation of the carrier and has been used to the present.The performance of airworthiness obligations is directly related to the life safety of seafarers and even seafarers and the interests of both sides.Because the Convention of traditional international shipping is too biased to protect the interests of carriers,it has been unable to adapt to the rapidly developing shipping environment and market demand.In the new international shipping environment,the responsibility of the carrier must be adjusted accordingly to achieve the balance of the interests of the two parties in order to meet the needs of the development of Global trade and navigation.This article,based on the Rotterdam rules adopted in December 11,2008,compares the seaworthiness obligations of the Hague rules and Hamburg Rules with the provisions of the Rotterdam rules,and expounds the airworthiness obligations of the Rotterdam rules on the basis of the analysis of the concept of the seaworthiness obligation and the history of the development of the Rotterdam rules.Then through the assessment of the airworthiness obligation in the Rotterdam rules,the progress of the airworthiness obligation in the Rotterdam rules and its great significance to the development of the modern maritime shipping industry are obtained,and the rationality and adaptability of the reform of the seaworthiness obligation is proved.The introduction of the Rotterdam rules has also had a widespread impact on China’sshipping legal system.In the end,on the basis of the analysis of the maritime law of maritime law on the carrier’s airworthiness obligation system,the article discusses its shortcomings and existing problems,and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions to improve the carrier’s seaworthiness obligation system of the maritime law of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Carrier, Seaworthy, General Defenses, The perfection of the maritime law
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