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A Study Of Illegality In The View Of Legal Offenders

Posted on:2019-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330548475275Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Is not a new topic of illegality,Rome law "if the law is not exempt" motto can be said to be illegal cognition early also a pronoun,illegality means that people can learn the behavior itself is illegal,whether it be negated by law.Along with the expansion of the fine size and the contents of the law,the legal crime surge,statutory crime dominated era has come,statutory crime is a concept of relative crime and its nature,refers to the behavior of people's behavior was not contrary to the norm of social ethics,but the need of national management based on the behavior of crime is forbidden by law.Therefore,to punish the legal crimes,requires the subjective behavior be condemned and criticized in recent years,some hot cases caused a sensation of public opinion,it is because when the prisoners set dismount times,practice in the legal crime attitude is often will be a presumption of the absolute authority of the law.In law by the people of "common sense" challenge,thus illegality theory foundation is constantly impact and even shake,standing in the angle of legal crime,illegal cognition content requirements refers to the behavior of people to know that their behavior is not allowed by criminal law,the legal crime has its incomparable advantages from the perspective of illegality understanding,cannot be replaced by social harmfulness,the agency will It is not advisable to understand the understanding of the harmfulness as the understanding of the illegality in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Illegality understanding, Legal offender, Responsibility doctrine, Social harmfulne
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