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Research On Social Stability Risk Assessment Of Land Expropriation Project Based On The BP Neural Network Model

Posted on:2019-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330548993177Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Industrialization still goes through a long-term process along with urbanization in China.China’s urbanization rate has reached 58.52% in 2017.The land expropriation project has always been an important measure to promote urbanization in our country.It is related to the people’s livelihood and has a wide range of influence.Especially the social disputes and conflicts are increasing year by year due to land expropriation,environmental protection and social security,which further threaten the stability of the whole society.Therefore,establishing a risk assessment system for social stability of land expropriation,analyzing and evaluating the risk of social stability of land by scientific methods,and taking appropriate measures to prevent and reduce the risk of social stability,which is of great significance to maintain social stability and ensure the operation of land expropriation projects.Firstly this paper firstly defines the concept and characteristics of social stability risk of land expropriation project based on the summary of literature on social stability risk assessment.It studies the composition of land expropriation and project risk of social stability,identifies the relationship of risk source,puts forward the formation mechanism of social stability risk of land expropriation project based on social combustion theory and social conflict theory,then sets up social stability risk index system.On the basis of these,it designs the BP neural network model of social stability risk assessment.Through the training of the sample data,the BP neural network model is finally determined which can predict the comprehensive value of social stability risk.The BP neural network model is empirically tested utilizing X and Y projects,and the main social stability risks in the land expropriation project is found by comparing the results of the two projects.Finally,it puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the main social stability risks of land expropriation projects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Land expropriation, Social stability risk, BP neural network model
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