In recent years,luxury cars have been hit frequently,sparking heated discussion.For this,in March 2012,the NPC deputies Zeng Qinghong submitted to the NPC and CPPCC proposals on " solving the problem of civilians hitting luxury cars",suggesting that" to promote the reform of the insurance system,to further improve the overall setting of China ’s insurance system".At the same time,Opinions of the state Council on accelerating the development of modern insurance services in 2014 proposed:" to give full play to the role of liability insurance to resolve conflicts and disputes.However,the third party liability insurance system of motor vehicle business appears pale and weak when resolving the contradiction between the accident of luxury vehicles.Therefore,it is particularly important to study and perfect the third-party liability insurance system for motor vehicle business,so as to quickly resolve the contradiction of traffic accidents,fully protect the interests of the victims of third parties,and promote the healthy development of the third-party liability insurance market for motor vehicle business.Starting with the case of a car crash,this paper explores the third party liability insurance system of motor vehicle business.This paper uses the combination of literature research and empirical research,qualitative research and quantitative research,real situation analysis and historical situation analysis and other research methods;Found that the third party insurance direct claim is not perfect,the implementation of full compensation is not reasonable,the responsibility of traffic accidents and civil liability confusion,serious homogenization of insurance clauses,lack of insurance products and other issues;Comprehensive national conditions,appropriate reference to foreign experience,put forward after the implementation of driving training plan,incomplete compensation,rich motor vehicle business third party liability insurance and related insurance products and other measures.According to the analysis of the paper,to improve the motor vehicle business third party liability insurance system.First of all,we must improve the relevant laws and regulations.Secondly,insurance companies take the initiative to assume social responsibility,strengthen their own business ability.Finally,the insured to improve their own risk awareness. |