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The Research On Arbitration System Of International Investment Treaty

Posted on:2019-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X CaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,with the deepening of the world economy and the increasing degree of international investment liberalization,the number of international investment disputes has been increasing.In the practice of dispute settlement,international investment treaty arbitration system plays an important role in the development of international investment.Because the international investment treaty arbitration system can effectively protect the investors' interests,it is chosen by investors.However,the increasing number of international investment treaty arbitration cases and the problems of international investment arbitration system are gradually exposed,so that the international investment arbitration system is in a "legitimate crisis".In this article,through analysis of historical development for international investment treaty arbitration system,combining with the characteristics of international investment arbitration system itself,the arbitration system between investors and national exposed problems in practice.In the current wave of investment liberalization under the background of rising,the United States,the European Union as a positive participant,the reform of international investment arbitration in bilateral investment treaties or trade area transparency reform and promoting the appeal mechanism building.By the European Union,the United States on the analysis of investment treaty arbitration system reform,help to our country in central Europe-BIT,a BIT of China and the United States negotiations to protect their own interests,to improve China's voice in the international investment rules.
Keywords/Search Tags:international investment treaty, arbitration, legitimacy crisis, transparency, appeal mechanism
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