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A Study On Villager Autonomy In The Circulation Of Agricultural Land In China

Posted on:2020-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330572489780Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to realize agricultural modernization,the state has shifted from operating towns to running rural areas,promoting rural land transfer,realizing land scale management,and using various means of legislation,administration,judicature and even "serving the countryside" to influence villagers ' farmland transfer behavior,but its excessive intervention deviates from the institutional value of villager autonomy.Generally speaking,since the establishment of villager autonomy system to divide the border between the state and the countryside,rural governance takes the villager autonomy system as the cornerstone,but in the process of the national policy to promote the transfer of land management,villager autonomy has not played a full and effective role,and there are many problems in practice.Therefore,based on the dual perspective of autonomy and regulation,this paper analyzes the problems existing in villager autonomy with the transfer of farmland as the observation point.In addition to the introduction and conclusion,the article is composed of the following five parts:The first part is an overview of the evolution of farmland property rights and the transfer of agricultural land in China.This part first discusses the course of the change of land rights since the new China,and obtains the weakness of the source of land by means of agrarian reform,which leads to the national will of the land property right system in China.Secondly,after the basic determination of the land system,the transfer of agricultural land from the prohibition to the development of encouragement is briefly elaborated,and finally explains the current state to promote the transfer of agricultural land background,in order to achieve agricultural modernization.In the context of the decline of rural population and the development of urbanization,the state has reconfigured land resources by means of "three-power division".The second part of the farmland transfer in the system structure of villager autonomy and the analysis of the specific model.Firstly,it expounds the birth and development of villagerautonomy system after the withdrawal of state power and the institutional structure in the current farmland circulation,and then takes Chongqing as an example to analyze the three specific modes of villager autonomy in the process of farmland circulation,and puts forward the strong dominant position of the government in the transfer of farmland,Villager Autonomy has little independence to assume the status and ability of farmland circulation.The third part is to analyze the function of villager autonomy in the transfer of agricultural land.As the institutional arrangement of rural autonomy,villager autonomy plays the following functions in the transfer of farmland: firstly,villager autonomy makes up for the lack of the transfer of land management right;second,villager autonomy,as a democratic institutional arrangement,can effectively defend the improper intervention of the State;third,the Villager autonomy system can effectively protect the peasants ' land interests.The fourth part is to analyze the problems existing in villager autonomy in the process of farmland circulation at present.First of all,the contradiction between villager autonomy and state intervention,the government has abnormal intervention in the transfer of farmland,and secondly,under the inertia of institutional change,villager autonomy organization is faced with the dilemma of dual agency of interests;Moreover,under the current "pressure" administrative system,the function alienation of villager autonomy organization becomes the quasi-administrative organization of Government extension;Finally,there is the problem of insufficient ability of villager autonomy in the process of agricultural land circulation.The fifth part is the suggestion of perfecting villager autonomy in the circulation of agricultural land in China.For the first time,at the due level,we should determine the boundary between state intervention and villager autonomy to safeguard the value realization of villager autonomy,establish the main position of "villagers" in the transfer of farmland,enhance their ability of "autonomy" and perfect the procedure and right relief mechanism of "autonomy",so as to return villager autonomy to villagers ' governance.To achieve an effective interface between the state and the countryside.
Keywords/Search Tags:land transfer, national intervention, Villagers' Self-government
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