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Research On The Thought Of A Community Of Shared Future For Mankind Of Xi Jinping From The Perspective Of Marx’s Thought Of Community

Posted on:2020-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330572492396Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Xi Jinping as general secretary has put forward the significance and importance of the idea of building a community of shared future for mankind on a series of international occasions,pointing out that China’s achievements can not be achieved without the help of other countries in the world,and that China should shoulder corresponding responsibilities in the process of development.The scope of influence of this initiative has expanded from bilateral to neighboring countries,from Asia to the whole world which aroused strong repercussions on the international community.The world is undergoing major development and transformation while every country is increasingly interconnected and interdependent with economic globalization is deepening.At the same time,the world’s common challenges are becoming increasingly prominent.Xi Jinping’s idea is standing in the perspective of all countries in the world.It is based on the Marx’s community and combining the theoretical logic of the Marx’s community thought with the practical logic of human social development.It demonstrates the courage of Chinese Communists that we can face the problems of this era and the mission of leading the development of this era.Based on Marx’s thought of community as the basic theoretical basis,this paper interprets the relationship and internal connection between Marx’s thought of community of Shared future and Xi Jinping’s thought of community of shared future for mankind,as well as the relationship between their inheritance and development.Firstly,the thesis introduces the significance of topic selection and research status at home and abroad and background information.Secondly,it expounds the basic contents of the two theories.Then,it summarizes the initial innovation and improvement of Xi Jinping’s thought of a community of shared future for mankind and points out the common value of the two theories.Studying Xi Jinping’s thought of a community of shared future for mankind from the perspective of Marx’s community thought is conducive to a better understanding of world development and the future direction of mankind in the new era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx’s community thought, a Community of Shared Future for Mankind of Xi Jinping, Social development, Common
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