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Research On The Party’s Thought Of Building A Clean Government Since The 18th National Congress Of The Communist Party Of China

Posted on:2020-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575488086Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 18 th CPC’s national congress,the thought of building a clean government,as an important part of the CPC’s new thought,has been always the theoretical guidance for our party to build a clean government in accordance with the developmental trend of times.Taking Marxism as the guiding thought,general secretary Xi Jinping has constantly improved and developed the party’s thought on construction of a clean government into a relatively scientific and complete theoretical system.In the new period,our party has carried out the forceful construction of party conduct and clean government,and achieved better results.Tracing back to its origin,the CPC’s thought of building a clean government has combined Chinese practice with Marxist theory after absorbing and borrowing ancient Chinese thought on a clean government,as well as inherited and developed the Marxist thought of clean government,which has a profound historical origin and complete theoretical support.At the current international situation is complicated with both opportunities and challenges,and the major social contradictions in China have changed,with complicated inner-party environment,general secretary Xi Jinping put forward a new thought of building a clean and honest party by combining with the developmental needs of this era.In the new thought,general secretary Xi Jinping proposed targeted improvement measures after he deeply analyzed the moral defense and conduct code of CPC members,which ensures that the CPC will always maintain its advancement and purity by strengthening the CPC’s style construction,strong supervison and sound regulatory frameworks.Since the 18 th CPC’s national congress,the CPC’s thought of building a clean government has important practical significance,pointing out the direction for the CPC’s construction of an honest& clean government at present,as well as showing the contemporaneity and innovation fully and comprehensively.Meanwhile,general secretary Xi Jinping attached great importance to the construction of the party’s work style,and put forward several representative ideas like restraining party members through laws and corresponding regulatory frameworks,besides,he also gave a comprehensive guidance at the prominent problems existing in the CPC.Since the 18 th national congress of CPC was held,numerous major cases of correuption have been uncovered in China,and the fight against corruption has achieved periodic victories.However,the situation has not been optimistic yet,thus,general secretary Xi Jinping even put forward the demand of vigorously stricking corruption.On the basis of builidng a clean government,general secretary Xi also put forth the new demand on how party members and cadres should exercise their power at the 19 th national congress of CPC,which requires party members and cadres should correctly use the power in their hands to administer and exercise power well for people.Based on the research of domestic and foreign scholars,this paper firstly defines the relevant concepts to "honest and clean government",on which the relevant materials were also collected and sorted out.Secondly,the theoretical source of the CPC’s thought on construction of a clean government is deeply explored,which analyzed the background and formation conditions of CPC’s thought on constructing a clean government since the 18 th CPC national congress from three different angles: world situation,national situation and party situation.This paper expounds the new contents and features of CPC’s thought on building a clean government sicne the 18 th CPC’s national congress,and summarizes,analyzes as well as condenses its theoretical value and practical value.This paper is mainly divided into six parts to discuss: The first part briefs the research background,purpose,significance,literature review at home & abroad,as well as the research methods and ideas;The second part mainly discusses the related concepts and basic theories,including the traditional Chinese thought of building a clean government,the Marxist classical writers’ thought of building a clean government,and the CPC’s thought of building a clean government before the 18 th CPC national congress;The third part is the analysis on the background and conditions of forming the party’s thought on building a clean government since the18 th national congress,and expounds the opportunities & challenges faced by the building of a clean government in China from the new changes of world situation,national situation and the party situation;The fourth part mainly discusses the new contents and features of the CPC’s thought on building a clean government since the 18 th CPC national congress,including the construction of clean government system,carrying out a series of ideological education activities and giving play to the role of social supervision,which is the research focus of this paper;The fifth part analyzes and elaborates the era value of the CPC’s thought on building congress,and explains the theoretical value and practical value of the party’s thought on building a clean government since the 18 th national congress;The sixth part is the conclusion,which summarizes and sublimates the whole thesis.In the special transition period,the thought of building a clean government proposed by general Xi Jinping since the 18 th CPC national congress has the function of connecting the past and future.It not only inherits the ideological achievements of predecessors,but also innovatively combines the era demand,which has important guiding significance for the party’s construction of a clean government.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Party building, Thought of building a clean government, the Party’s construction of work style
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