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Research On Several Issues Of China's Anti-commercial Bribery

Posted on:2020-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y WuFull Text:PDF
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For a long time,commercial bribery has been a lingering disease in the economic field.As far as China is concerned,commercial bribery has become a major disaster area in the areas of engineering construction,Pharmaceutical purchase and sale,government procurement and so on.However,there are still obvious shortcomings in the legal level of our country,the elements of commercial bribery are unscientific,the relevant liability provisions are missing,and the international level is in the international level.The relative lag of anti commercial bribery and other problems is very prominent,and it is difficult to adapt to the rapid development of our country's economy,so it is urgent to improve the legal system of anti commercial bribery in our country.For this reason,on the basis of the legislative concept,legislative rules and legal effectiveness of the anti overseas corruption law of the United States,the thesis actively explores the perfect path of China's anti commercial bribery system.This article is deeply interpreted from four specific perspectives:the applicable objects and scope of application of anti-commercial bribery,the anti-commercial bribery management departments and institutions,the anti-commercial bribery extraterritorial effect,and the anti-commercial bribery punishment measures.The interpretation process includes both an analysis of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,an analysis of China's anti-commercial bribery legal system,and an enlightenment that China can obtain from the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act to improve China's Anti-commercial bribery system.The study found that the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enacted in the United States in 1977 had a greater influence on the global scale after three revisions in 1988 and 1998,especially the legislative concepts and enforcement rules covered by the law.All of them can provide a good reference and help for China's anti-commercial bribery;the current domestic efforts to crack down on commercial bribery have been launched,and a large number of targeted legislation has been introduced for commercial bribery,involving criminal,administrative and economic laws.A departmental law,but these legal systems in China still have great shortcomings,and need to be improved in terms of scope of application,competent authorities,extraterritorial effects,and penalties.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial Bribery, US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Covered Persons, Extraterritorial Effect
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