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Research On The Supervision Of Private Equity Funds Under Financial Repression And Deepening Logic

Posted on:2020-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M XuFull Text:PDF
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Under the financial repression development strategy,the government strictly controls the financial market,mainly in the control of financial market components such as interest rates,credit,and financial institutions.To a certain extent,the financial restraint policy seems to be a means for the rapid development of postdevelopment countries to achieve catch-up development,but in the long run,financial repression leads to resource mismatches,resulting in a decline in social productivity.Financial deepening also reduces the government’s improper control of financial markets.As a major developing country in the world,since the reform and opening up,financial reform has improved the state of government regulation in China’s financial market.However,China’s financial market is still in a relatively restrained state.At the same time,financial deepening is China.Trends and prospects for financial market reforms.The law of a country’s financial market is a reflection of a country’s financial market.While China’s financial law serves China’s financial market,it also shows a strong regulatory color.As a part of China’s financial market,China’s private equity funds are supervised,and the regulatory system composed of different levels of laws will inevitably have obvious financial suppression.Under the logic of the continuous advancement of China’s financial deepening process,what changes should be made to the private equity fund supervision system,which is what this article will explore.The discussion of this paper begins with two aspects.The first aspect introduces the theory of financial repression and deepening,and sorts out the performance of China’s financial repression and the status quo of financial deepening.It points out that the deepening of China’s financial market is insufficient,the government’s intervention in financial markets is still relatively high,and financial deepening is the trend.On the basis of determining the trend of financial deepening,it discusses the regulatory philosophy of financial deepening-limited supervision.The second aspect is a brief explanation of the relevant theories of private equity funds,including the concept and functional orientation of private equity funds.It is pointed out that the functional positioning of private equity funds is consistent with the financial deepening effect,that is,the capital market function is maximized.On the basis of the above two clues,the two are combined to study the current situation and existing deficiencies of China’s private equity fund supervision under the background of financial repression,and how the private equity fund supervision in China should be changed under the prospect of financial deepening.It reveals that in the context of China’s financial repression,China’s private equity funds have longterm supervision,and mandatory norms have dominated the legal system of China’s private equity fund market.The specific methods of supervision have not been able to control risks from the source.Private equity funds are the third largest financing market in China except for the credit market and the stock market.Private equity funds promote the development of the real economy on the basis of meeting the needs of social financing.However,based on the background of China’s financial repression,it is difficult for private equity funds to play their due role normally.In the process of financial deepening,it is necessary to maximize the function of private equity funds.The supervision of private equity funds in China needs to determine the government rationally.With the market,the situation of long-term supervision needs to be improved,and the relevant regulatory legal system and regulatory means need to be further improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financial repression, Financial deepening, Private equity fund, Private equity fund supervision
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