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Research On The Function Orientation Of Public Pension Institutions

Posted on:2019-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596456392Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a kind of socialized old-age pension,institutional pension is highly specialized and standardized,and has been favored by many old people.Public pension institution is an important part of the institution’s pension system.In recent years,public-private and public-run private pension institutions have gradually emerged.In the meantime,under the background of the rapid development of pension in our country,there are some problems such as the dislocation and absence of the function orientation of the public pension institutions in our country.This is obviously a problem of unfair allocation of public resources and dislocation of welfare.Therefore,the research on the functional orientation of public pension institutions has become the current hot spot.What kind of role do different types of pension institutions play in the institutional pension system is worth discussing.In this paper,the public pension institutions as the research object,focusing on the issue of its functional orientation,using the combined method of theoretical analysis and empirical research.First of all,analysis the type,structure and characteristics of pension institutions.Second,using public product theory,we analyze the institutional,service and social attributes of public pension institutions.The paper analyzes public state-owned property,quasi-public product property and social property owned by public pension institutions,respectively.Public or private pension institutions have the double attributes of public-private cooperation,quasi-public goods,social property and market property.Thirdly,with the analysis of the attributes of public pension institutions,we use the theory of welfare pluralism to analyze the different functions of different types of public pension institutions.The paper analyzes the guiding,supporting and controlling functions of the public pension service in the pension service,respectively.The public-owned or public-run private pension institutions play the role of "paddles" in the field of old-age services,offer the pension services with different attributes and balance the pension service market Features.Fourthly,using the methods of social investigation,this paper conducts an empirical research on the typical pension-funded public-owned and public-funded institutions to understand the status quo of their functions.Fifth,using Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process to analyze the factors restricting the function of public pension institutions.Determine the operational management of the organization,the allocation of resources,the role of government and other factors in public pension institutions to play a role in the weight.Finally,it puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the function of public pension institutions.The main conclusion of this thesis is that different types of public pension institutions have different attributes and also play different functions in the institutional system.In actual operation,the realization of the function of public pension institutions is affected by multiple factors,and there is still much room for improvement.To promote the function of public pension institutions,we need to correctly define the role of the government,formulate a clear orientation policy,improve the system for the operation and management of pension institutions,and enhance the balance of resource allocation for pension services.Only in this way can the functions of the public pension institutions be brought into full play so as to promote the sustainable development of the pension system in our institutions.
Keywords/Search Tags:public pension institutions, attributes, functions, Delphi method, analytic hierarchy process
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