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Research On The Theory And Practice Of ’Create A Strong Sense Of Community For The Chinese Nation’

Posted on:2020-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596478729Subject:Marxism Ethnic Theory and Policy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the "Create a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation",which was widely studied by the academic community.The formation of the consciousness of the Chinese Community and the Chinese Community has both self-conscious factors and conscious reasons.Their formation is a historical process.It is the crystallization of the ancient Chinese political thoughts,political systems,and national policies.It is the common emotion formed by various ethnic groups in the process of communication,and is the objective existence of the national entity;the Chinese nation’s community consciousness is finally formed into the Chinese nation.In the face of the invasion of foreign enemies,the common tenacious resistance,heroic struggle.Creating a Chinese Community Consciousness is both an internal concept and a foreign concept;the Chinese nation must adhere to the overall concept of the Chinese nation,strengthen national unity,oppose secession,actively safeguard national unity,and jointly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation;Resist external threats and challenges and put national interests first.It is not only a concept of national identity,but also a concept of internal identity of the Chinese nation.The cultivation of the Chinese Community consciousness is to absorb and draw on the sublimation of previous research results.Many scholars have achieved the Chinese nation as a pluralistic structure of the Chinese nation,the formation of the Chinese national cohesion,and the enhancement of the "five recognition".Rich research results.With the development of the times,China has become a wave of globalization,and the world has become a close-knit whole.Cultural diversity is becoming more and more complex,social changes are accelerating,threats and challenges are increasing,and the past The reference is inevitably limited.Casting the consciousness of the Chinese nation community is a theoretical study and a practical study.Theoretical research includes the relevant concept connotation of "Chinese nation",the formation process of the Chinese nation’s community consciousness and its source of thought,and the contemporary value of the Chinese nation’s community consciousness.Practical research involves all aspects of society,education,community,culture,ethnic work,united front work,news media,and so on.This paper mainly selects education,community and cultural beliefs as the main research objects,analyzes the current factors that influence the consciousness of the Chinese national community,and finally considers the path of the Chinese national community consciousness from the perspective of school education,national exchanges and exchanges,and national top-level design..Therefore,the research on the "Chinese nation" has considerable value.Research should advance with the times,not only in combination with the needs of social development,but also from many aspects to think about the path of "casting the prison",thereby further enhancing the internal identity of the Chinese nation and enhancing the ability of the Chinese nation to resist external challenges.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese nation, Chinese Nation Community, Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation, National unity
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