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Research On The Criminal Investigate Efficiency

Posted on:2020-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y CaiFull Text:PDF
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The current judicial reform is in full swing,and many criminal justice activities have undergone earth-shaking changes,criminal investigate activities are no exception.Whether it is the establishment of specialized criminal investigate agency or the revision of criminal procedure law,these changes all point to one goal-how to achieve fairness and justice more efficiently on the basis of existing criminal investigate resources.In fact,this is a question related to the effectiveness of criminal investigate.The emergence of the concept of criminal investigate efficiency has inevitable reasons.on the one hand,the accumulation of unsolved criminal cases every year and the emergence of new types of crimes under the development of the times;on the other hand,the criminal investigate results caused by improper criminal investigate methods are not good.If criminal investigate subject cannot change the way of working in the past and the old ideas,it will inevitably be exhausted and have little effect.Therefore,issues related to the criminal investigate efficiency should be of concern to criminal investigate scholars and criminal investigative practitioners.Based on the background of the current criminal justice reform,this paper conducts multi-faceted research on criminal investigate efficiency,in order to provide theoretical guidance for the practice of criminal investigate efficiency.This passage is divided into three chapters to research criminal investigate efficiency.The first chapter studies the general concept of criminal investigate efficiency.After enumerating some scholars' different understandings of the concept of criminal investigate efficiency,this paper argues that the criminal investigate academics have no controversy about the meaning of "criminal investigate".The reason for the differences in the meaning of the term "criminal investigate efficiency" may mainly because the differences understanding of "efficiency".Therefore,this paper combines the meaning of the word “efficiency” in the field of economics,and links to the needs of the current judicial reform background for criminal investigate practice,and defines the meaning of the term “criminal investigate efficiency”.Because there are many concepts related to criminal investigate efficiency,this paper selects the relevant concepts of criminal investigate efficiency to compare with criminal investigate efficiency,so as to better study the connotation of criminal investigate efficiency.Then the paper divides the criminal investigate efficiency into the economic and social criminal investigate efficiency.Finally,this paper introduces the types of factors that affect the volatility of criminal investigate efficiency,and discusses how to specifically influence criminal investigate efficiency.The second chapter analyzes the problems in the realization of criminal investigate efficiency.Based on the previous discussion of the concept of criminal investigate efficiency,it can be known that when the effect of a survey activity is greater than the cost of its input,it can be said that the criminal investigate efficiency has been realized.Therefore,the realization of criminal investigate efficiency should be the bottom line requirement for criminal investigate activities.However,in order to realize criminal investigate efficiency,there are big problems in many aspects in terms of criminal investigate activities in practice.First of all,it is the unreasonable allocation of criminal investigate resources,which makes a large amount of criminal investigate resources waste,indiscriminately consumes criminal investigate cost,and hinders the realization of criminal investigate efficiency.Secondly,it is some improper things in criminal investigate,Lowering the effectiveness of criminal investigate activities and bringing negative effect of criminal investigate activities.Finally,it was the backwardness of the criminal investigate personnel's concept,which affected the cost and effect of criminal investigate practice,resulting in the lack of criminal investigate efficiency.The third chapter explores the realization of criminal investigate efficiency.On the basis of clarifying the problems of realization of criminal investigate efficiency in the current criminal investigate practice.It is the main purpose of this paper to propose measures to solve problems,and it is also the key point of this paper as a theoretical guidance practice.Considering that the realization of criminal investigate efficiency involves many factors,the implementation process must have the most basic bottom line.Therefore,this paper puts forward the basic principle of realizing criminal investigate efficiency,The realization of criminal investigate efficiency must balance justice and effectiveness,must rely on the masses of the people,and must reasonably allocate criminal investigate resources.Then,based on the relevant principles,this paper puts forward specific solutions to the problems of criminal investigate efficiency in the current criminal investigate practice.These measures combine the requirements of criminal justice reform on criminal investigate,and integrate into the case demonstration of local criminal investigate will be more feasible and instructive.
Keywords/Search Tags:Criminal Investigate Cost, Criminal Investigate Efficiency, Criminal Investigate Resource Allocation
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