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Research On Lipset’s Political Order Thought

Posted on:2020-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330602953303Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a famous American political scientist and sociologist,Lipset has two main themes:one is the political order thinking;the other is the "American exceptional theory,and the study of Anerican socialism.Lipset has written a lot of works on the thought of political order.Among them are the famous "Political Man:the social foundation of politics" and "Consensus and Conflict".In these two books,he comprehensively analyzes the "political order" thinking.This article is based on the above works,and elaborates on Lipset’s political order thought from the following aspects.First of all,in the introduction part,it introduces the background and significance of the topic selection,summarizes the relevant research status of the "political order" thought at home and abroad,and introduces the research methods and ideas.Secondly,it is the body part,which contains six aspects:firstly,it gives an overview of the political order thought,briefly introduces the development of Western political order thought and Marxist political order thought,and draws the necessity of constructing a stable political order.Secondly,it is an analysis of the life of Lipset,and the influence of Marx,Tocqueville,Max Weber,Parsons and Michels related theories on Lipset.Thirdly,it introduces the transformation process from politicians to democratic polity to the basis of political order,and analyzes the basic conditions of political order such as economy,political culture,social structure and value conditions.Fourthly,it analyzes the factors that threaten the stability of political order,such as split structure,class differentiation,moral crisis and "rebound politics." analyzes the mechanism of maintaining the stability of democratic political order as a whole,maintaining the balance between consensus and conflict,rational attention to economic growth,strengthen citizen political identity,institutionalize political parties,and re-establish ideology.Sixthly,through the detailed analysis of his political order thoughts,it found the theoretical significance and limitations of Lipset’s political order thought,and finally inspired the construction of China’s political order.
Keywords/Search Tags:Political order, Consensus, Conflict
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