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Construction And Research Of Emergency Evacuation Model For High Density Crowd

Posted on:2021-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330605961053Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increase of group activities and the frequent occurrence of accidents,there are often significant risks in crowded places.Therefore,how to evacuate from the dangerous place has important practical significance to ensure the safety of the crowd.Over the past few decades,numerous researchers have conducted mass evacuations.In the crowd evacuation,the design of reasonable building facilities,grasp the shortest evacuation time,take the correct guidance measures,can effectively reduce casualties and losses.In order to achieve the above three goals,it is necessary to simulate the movement and behavior of the crowd as accurately as possible.Before studying the movement and behavior of the crowd,a network model was built for the scene model of the emergency evacuation model.By setting some parameters to limit the scale of network flow in the scene,the evacuation model is analyzed,and the capacity to reach the ideal evacuation state is determined.Secondly,the characteristics of the evacuated population are analyzed in view of the lack of personality and emotion in the original crowd evacuation process.Considering the influence of the important factors of the panic emotional state,the psychological behavior characteristics can also be simulated into the crowd evacuation model,and a social force evacuation model based on emotional infection is proposed in order to better grasp the important influence of emotions in the evacuation process.Combining emotions with the original social force model to modify the expected individual speed,the group uses the received information and environment to choose the shortest path in time and space.An accurate analysis and description of individual movements and crowd movements under different emotions is established,thus a true pedestrian movement crowd movement model has been established.Next,the characteristics of the crowds that need to be evacuated are analyzed,and the path planning should be carried out at the same time as the crowd movement modeling,so as to improve the modeling of artificial fish swarm algorithm.The difference strategy and the optimal information feedback strategy are proposed to optimize artificial fish swarm algorithm and dynamically adjust the visual range of artificial fish individuals.In the search,the crowding degree factor is restricted to restrict the flow of people,and the inertia speed factor is introduced to complete the iteration considering that the follow-up behavior in the later stage is prone to local optimization.The performance of the improved hybrid fish swarm algorithm is tested and its feasibility is analyzed.The evacuation time is used as the evaluation criterion of fitness function to simulate the evacuation model of the optimal hybrid algorithm.In order to more realistically simulate crowd emergency evacuation,it is necessaryto study not only from the perspective of human traffic,but also from the personalized characteristics of researchers.On the basis of optimizing crowd evacuation models,and by introducing cluster analysis,by introducing cluster analysis,the randomness of the initial state and the uniformity of distribution are distributed,and various scenarios of the improved model are analyzed.Finally,on the basis of the existing models,the influence of attributes of the bounded environments on safe evacuation is studied,taking into account the human flow and personal personalization.According to the size of the crowd,exit width,exit location and exit design such as relevant properties were analyzed,and analyzes the evacuation efficiency,the bottleneck factors such as density,evacuation route characteristics,maximize the facilities to be effective,renew to the evacuation environment on the strategy for further improvement,to study the crowd emergency evacuation plan solutions for reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emergency Evacuation Model, Emotional Contagion of The Crowd, Path Planning Based on Hybrid Algorithm, Safe Evacuation
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