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Research On Administrative Compensation System

Posted on:2021-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M X GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330611996383Subject:Science of Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Administrative compensation means that the state administrative organs and their functionaries violate the legitimate rights and interests of citizens,legal persons and other organizations by exercising their functions and powers.The system of administrative compensation has gone through a long and arduous process from its birth and development to its final establishment,which has played a positive role in promoting the development of society.On May 12,1994,the seventh session of the standing committee of the eighth National People’s Congress deliberated and adopted the law of the People’s Republic of China on state compensation.After two revisions in 2010 and 2012,China’s administrative compensation system has been more perfect and refined,which is more conducive to the protection of citizens’ legal rights.However,due to some deficiencies of the law itself and the development of social economy,its role has not been fully played.No matter in China or other countries in the world,the administrative compensation system is constantly developing and improving,but there are still some problems and social development.Therefore,it is necessary to study the administrative compensation system.Firstly,this paper briefly explains the generation and development of China’s administrative compensation system and defines the relevant concepts.Secondly,this paper gives a preliminary introduction to the administrative compensation system in France,Germany,Britain and the United States,and summarizes the development trend of the administrative compensation system.Thirdly,it analyzes the legislative status quo and problems of administrative compensation system in China,such as the scope of administrative compensation is too narrow,the standard of administrative compensation is too low,and the procedure of administrative compensation is not perfect.Finally,the article deeply analyzes the administrative compensation system of our country,starts with the establishment of the administrative compensation system of our country,further analyzes the legislative status quo and existing problems of the administrative compensation system of our country,and puts forward the Suggestions to further improve and perfect the administrative compensation system of our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative compensation, scope of compensation, standard of compensation, the compensation program
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