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From Singleness To Pluralism:the Reflection On The Mode Of Environmental Rule Of Law In China

Posted on:2021-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K Y ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330626455064Subject:Legal theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the perspective of environmental protection subject,there are three modes in the process of environmental protection rule of law in China: environmental administration,environmental justice and social multi-cooperation.The three models are not simply evolved and replaced: for a long time,environmental administration has been in the dominant position;the latter two models of environmental protection rise later and develop more slowly.From the changes and interactions of these three models,we can see that they contain different theoretical logic,focus on different social functions,and present the face of environmental rule of law in a specific historical period.As the direct and violent conflict between the development of human society and the primitive nature is the main cause of the current environmental problems(the second kind of environmental problems),the construction of the corresponding environmental protection model involves two directions at the same time: maintaining social development and environmental protection.In this regard,there are two dynamic dimensions to observe between social development,environmental problems and environmental protection models: one is that the three have parallel dynamic development sequences,and there are mapping relationships among different stages,and the internal logic relationship in the process of model evolution needs to be explored;the other is that the three constitute a triangle structure of mutual correlation,forming a "social development ring" from the perspective of causality Environmental issues-environmental protection-social development-..." If we want to review the model of environmental rule of law in China,we can’t ignore a series of functional relations,such as the twist of each chain node,the structure and extension of long chain.Empirically,these two analysis dimensions fit the actual historical situation of China’s environmental protection and rule of law.Taking them as the analysis framework,it can more objectively and clearly show the practice pattern and characteristics of China’s environmental protection and rule of law model.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental rule of law, Environmental administration, Environmental justice, Multiple participation, Governance mode
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