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Discussion About Copyright In Game Live Streaming

Posted on:2021-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G R ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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The video game industry has developed rapidly in recent years.While the game industry is developing rapidly,it has also led to the development of a series of related industries.And the live broadcast industry is the most typical representative of this.However,at this stage,there is no clear stipulation in our country's laws on live games.Academic theories also have disputes over copyright-related issues in live games.There are also massive conflicts between different theories of jurisprudence in judicial practice.The most important of these are two points.The first point is whether the live broadcast picture belongs to the work and its copyright problem;the second is whether the unauthorized live broadcast constitutes a reasonable use of the original work.Therefore,this article mainly discusses the above problems arising from the live broadcast of video games online.The first part of this dissertation introduces the related concepts of video game live broadcasting and the dilemmas of copyright protection.Then,in this part,electronic game network live broadcast will be divided into two parts namely game anchor personal network platform live broadcast and large-scale e-sports game live broadcast.From the perspective of originality and replication,it demonstrates that it meets the properties of works required by copyright law.In terms of types of work,the two types of live pictures should belong to audiovisual works and film-like works.And game developers,operators,anchors,live broadcast platforms are considered as the subject of game live broadcast Therefore,the issue of copyright ownership of live video screens also needs to be solved urgently.Therefore,the third part of this article discusses the copyright ownership of the two types of live pictures.The game anchor can be regarded as the deductive author of the original work to get copyright,and the copyright of the large-scale e-sports competition belongs to the event organizer.The fourth part of the article focuses on the analysis of whether the game live broadcast behavior is a fair use.Using two metrics,such as the "three-step test" and the "four elementstandard",to demonstrate that the live broadcast behavior is difficult to constitute a fair use.Finally,,from the perspective of legislation,the author puts forward to the relevant legal provisions on solving the problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic Games, Live Broadcast of the game, Copyright, fair use
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