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Research On The Creation Of E-sports Brand In China

Posted on:2019-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Q WangFull Text:PDF
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As a high concern of sports entertainment activities,"E-sports",along with the development of the industry,its achievements of the great commercial value are appeared.As the same time,it has ushered an important turning point in its life cycle.However,its construction and developments of the e-sports brand is one of the most important features of this inflection pointAccording to the American economics professor Philip Kotler interpretation of the meaning of the brand,combined with the analysis of the electronic games industry form,attribute of electronic sports brand in China is mainly determined by the gaming product attributes,its benefits and values are reflected through the electronic sports organization,the connotation of the user level is also comprised of personality and cultural elements.The factor of our gaming brand products mainly consisted of four parts,factors,organizational factors,personality factors and cultural factors.At present,the current situation of electronic competitive brand construction in China shows the characteristics of low brand degree and the failure to fully develop the commercial value of the brand.Although the policy of gradually opening,capital intervention,technology progress and the change of social and cultural changes to China's gaming brand to create a good ecological enviroiment,but because of Chinese electronic sports industry chain enterprises:game developer shortage caused the original electronic sports products are scarce and lead to electronic sports brand core value loss based on functional benefits.Meanwhile,due to the Limited Business liquidity and the suppression of traditional culture and mainstream culture,the construction of E-sports brand in China is also facing the challenge of brand awareness and insufficient brand culture.Combined with the experience of building E-sports brand and the attributes of competitive sports in the US and Korea,Chinese E-sports brand should take content as the starting point and make events as the contact point,and take the game,competition and surrounding market as the breakthrough point to achieve brand.The specific patih is created to set the electronic games and cultural core to establish electronic sports brand connotation,and focus on the interactive design of electronic games in the development process to improve the game players, order to establish the core value of electronic sports brand;brand competitiveness of the building is completed through building event ecology.Learn from the traditional sports system to strengthen brand awareness,with online and offline events are held to strengthen the brand experiences,and broaden the channels to improve the commercial realization of electronic sports brand value;at the same time,the game broadcast platform,electronic sports brokerage industry and peripheral products is great potential for developments,it has not yet been completely exploited on gaming ecological map of China.The development and improvement of these potential markets are the key area of the implementation of the electronic competitive brand in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-sports, brand composition, brand creation
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