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A Study On The Promotion Of Local Employment Of College Students In Liaoyang

Posted on:2020-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Z MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330572978683Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
College graduates employment problem is more outstanding social hot issues:in recent years,college students as to obtain high quality education resources optimal group,they play its value will promote the rapid development of society,instead they constrained if employment,it is not just about personal interests,even will affect the development of social economy and the balance of the factors.Liaoyang city as a traditional heavy industry development historical background of the four cities,retention,employment has been plagued by liaoyang city economic development,this paper based on the analysis of the literature,based on the perspective of public service from liaoyang city to promote university students’ employment policies of the dimensional analysis in recent years to promote employment policy changes,and actual survey on the employment of college students’ employment intention and stay in liaoyang work.This paper analyzes the reasons why it is difficult to find a job in liaoyang.The main reasons are the problems existing in the formulation of employment policy,and the government’s lack of active organization and guidance for local employment of college students.Enterprise for causes such as the characteristics of contemporary college students lack of brain drain,this paper combined with the actual situation of liaoyang local put forward policy Suggestions for liaoyang city to promote university students’ employment,puts forward the idea of adjusting the employment policy,strengthen the construction of the economic environment and city soft environment construction,pay attention to the employment of graduates,standardize the employment guidance policy Suggestions,such as provide reference for our city to promote university students’ employment.Through the study on the promotion of local employment of college students in liaoyang city,this paper can provide more references and help for the development of employment policies for college graduates in small cities.It also hopes to help more small and medium-sized cities attract and retain talents and contribute more to the economic development and social progress of small cities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liaoyang city, local employment, employment strategy, policy recommendations
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